International Journal of Nematology and Entomology

ISSN 2756-3839

International Journal of Nematology and Entomology ISSN 9321-5320 Vol. 4 (12), pp. 001-005, December, 2018. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the agricultural module supported with worksheets on the students’ conceptual development

Salih Çepni1*, Akif Hasıloglu2, Sinan Kocaman2 and Süleyman Aydın2

1Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Education, Primary School Education Department, Trabzon – Turkey.

2Ağrı Đbrahim Çeçen University, Faculty of Education, Primary School Education Department, Ağrı – Turkey.

Accepted 09 April, 2018


The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the agricultural model supported with worksheets developed by the researchers based on the 5-E model of constructivist learning theory, taught as an elective course in the second grade of the primary school, on students’ conceptual developments. For this purpose, a semi-experimental research method was used. While the experimental group consisting of 29 students was taught with the developed agricultural module, the control group consisting of 19 students was taught with the teacher’s own lesson materials. It was seen that although the pre-test results obtained from the Conceptual Perception Test were very similar to each other, at the end there was a remarkable difference (t (46)= 3.472: p< 0.05) in terms of the experimental group results. We see from the results that the students who took the agriculture course via the developed agricultural model become more successful and teaching materials within the developed model has an effect in developing students’ conceptual understanding of the agricultural concepts at the six level curriculum programmes.

Key words: Agricultural education model, primary education, constructivism, agricultural concept development.