African Journal of Internal Medicine

ISSN 2326-7283

African Journal of Internal Medicine ISSN: 2326-7283 Vol. 2 (8), pp. 107-111, September, 2014. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Tissue level antioxidant activity of leaf extract of Syzygium jambos linn. In paracetamol intoxicated Wistar rats

Nataraja Thamizh Selvam1*,  Venkatakrishnan V2 and Damodar Kumar S3

1Research Scholar, Pachaiyappa’s College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

2Assistant Professor, Central University, Pondicherry,

3Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry, Pachaiyappa’s College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Accepted 3 June, 2014.


In recent years, oxidative stress and free radicals have been implicated in various diseases.  Syzygium jambos, is a plant used by traditional physicians in Kerala, India for various ailments including wounds, ulcers and dermatopahty. The present study was undertaken to assess the antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of S. jambos leaf in paracetamol intoxicated Wistar albino rats. The rats were divided in to five groups of six animals each, categorized as healthy control group, disease control, standard group and two test groups. The test extract was administered in two difference doses as 100 and 200 mg/kg/ b.wt. The biochemical parameters SGOT, SGPT levels in blood and antioxidant profiles including of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione levels in blood and different tissues (liver, kidney, heart) were evaluated. The results showed elevated levels of antioxidant enzymes in blood and tissues in treatment groups suggesting significant antioxidant activity.

Key words:  Syzygium jambos, antioxidant activity, liver intoxication, oxidative stress, herbal medicine.