African Journal of Library and Information Science

ISSN 2756-3383

Frontiers of Library, Information and Computer Sciences ISSN 5721-610X Vol. 2 (2), pp. 163-174, February, 2016. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

A webometric analysis of web pages of ICMR institutes websites

1Khanduri Bharti, 2Shivraj Prem and 3Lal Gupta Kumar

1Department of Library and Information Science, Alagappa UniversityKaraikudi – 630 003, India.

2Department of Library and Information Science, Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630 003, Tamil Nadu, India.

3Department of Library and Information Science, Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630 003, Tamil Nadu, India.

*Corresponding Author E-mail:

Accepted 02 September, 2015


The website of an institution can be used for many purposes, enable the users to get more information and idea of the particular institution or company. Webometrics is the research of network-based communication using informetrics or other quantitative measures. As a study, the ICMR institutes in India have been taken and their link structure has been analyzed. Moreover this study concentrates on the Classification of Websites by webpage size, WAVE Web AIM Accessibility Error, Various Search Engine performances, the difference between pages in various time intervals and Number of rich files has been calculated. It also presents the Link – network diagram of ICMR institutes using Pajek Software.

Keywords: Webometrics, ICMR institutions, Classification of Websites by webpage size, WAVE Web AIM Accessibility Error, Number of rich files was calculated, Link – network diagram.