African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry

ISSN 2375-0979

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry ISSN 2375-0979 Vol. 8 (5), pp. 001-006, May, 2020. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Proximate composition and micronutrient potentials of three locally available wild fruits in Nigeria

Oladejo Thomas Adepoju

Department Of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. E-mail: (+234) 8033257333.

Accepted 13 August, 2019


Spondias mombin, Dialium guineense and Mordii whytii which grow wild and are consumed raw in the South-west and Middle belt of Nigeria were analysed for their nutrition potential in meeting some or all of micronutrients needs of consumers. Nutrient composition and antinutrional factors of the fresh fruit pulps were determined using standard methods of AOAC. Results of proximate analyses showed their moisture content to be 82.3, 71.5 and 4.0 g /100 g for S. mombin, M. whytii and D. guineense, respectively. Their crude protein ranged between 2.6 and 8.3 g, crude lipid 1.6 to 2.0 g, crude fibre 0.6 to 11.8 g, ash 1.0 to 6.8 g /100 g; and total carbohydrate was 7.9, 8.9 and 84.0 g /100 g sample for S. mombin, M. whytii and D. guineense, respectively. The fruit pulps were rich in sodium (360.0 – 400.0 mg), magnesium (300.0 – 465.0 mg) and potassium (260.0 - 410.0 mg) /100 g. M. whyti was rich in calcium (300 mg) and phosphorus (170 mg). Their iron and zinc content ranged between 2.0 and 4.1 mg and 0.2 – 2.2 mg, respectively; while retinol equivalents ranged between 84.9 and 361.5 g /100 g fresh sample. The fruit pulps were low in all antinutritional factors studied and can serve as good sources of micronutrients.

Key words: Spondias mombin, Mordii whytii, Dialium guineense, proximate composition, micronutrient potentials.