International Journal of Horticulture and Floriculture

ISSN 2756-3790

International Journal of Horticulture and Floriculture 2167-0455 Vol. 5 (3), pp. 258-271, March, 2017. © International Scholars Journals


Supply and marketing of floriculture in Ethiopia

1Assefa Mitike Janko and 2Gosa Alemu

1Zeway fisheries resources research center P.O box 229 (Ethiopia).

2Mechara Agricultural Research center P.O box 19 (Ethiopia).

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Accepted 14 February, 2014


The review of supply and marketing of floriculture in Ethiopia was conducted to analyses the production potential and to know the marketing share of the country. The data was collected from secondary and primary sources. Ethiopia has been operating in the floriculture industry for over 20 years. As is the case in many developing countries, the major export items of Ethiopia are dominated by few agricultural products that earn very small amounts in the international market. Moreover, most of the exports are destined to only few countries. Given the highly capital intensive nature of production and processing, rose farming is not a smallholder activity. It is also important to note the extremely tightly controlled time dimension of the logistics process, given the product attributes desired and the fragility and perishability of the roses. Another characteristic of the Ethiopian floriculture sector is the lack of domestically produced inputs that flower producers can access. The export volume and value of cut-flowers accounts for a small proportion of the total exports of Ethiopia. In recent years the sector is showing improvements in terms of the quality and quantity of exports to the international market.

Key words: Roses, production, value chain, floriculture, supply.