African Journal of Medicine and Surgery

ISSN 2756-3324

African Journal of Medicine and Surgery Vol. 1 (4), pp. 024-027, November, 2013. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Circumcision mishaps: Sequelae from the hands of the untrained personnels

Tabowei BI1, Kombo B.B2 and Mukoro Duke George3

1Department of surgery, Niger-Delta University, amassoma, Bayelsa, Nigeria.

2Department of surgery, University of Port-Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

3Department of Accident and Emergency medicine, Niger-Delta University teaching Hospital, Bayelsa, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Accepted 07 October, 2013


Male circumcision is one of the oldest surgical operations documented on earth. It is performed both for religious and cultural reasons. It is being carried out by both trained and untrained persons leading to several complications. The psycho-social effects are overwhelming to both the victims and their relations. Reports of adult cases are very rare because circumcision is commonly carried out in neonates. The article attends to illustrate that untold complications from circumcision by untrained personnel could occur and present in adulthood or uncommon age groups.  A series of three case, two adults and one infant, were reviewed for rare complications of amputation which were managed in Bayelsa State. These circumcision cases illustrated that some of the long term complications arisen from circumcision by untrained personnel. Hemorrhage, infections, penile necrosis, glans amputation, and buried penis were the complications reported in the literature. To avoid these complications, trained personnel must carry out the Circumcision.

Key words: Circumcision, mishaps, untrained personnel, penile necrosis, buried penis.