African Journal of Medicine and Surgery

ISSN 2756-3324

African Journal of Medicine and Surgery ISSN 3156-8734 Vol. 3 (6), pp. 085-089, June, 2016. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Concomitant occurrences of tuberculosis and hyperglycemia in HIV/AIDS patients in Nigeria

Ebenezier H. Ken1, Umez Chuks2, Oduaha F. Kingsley1* and Ichipi Rowland1

1Department of Medical Microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria.

2Department of Medical Microbiology University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku Ozalla, Enugu, Nigeria.

Accepted 22 May, 2016


The present study was aimed at establishing the prevalence of concomitant occurrences of tuberculosis and hyperglycemia in HIV/AIDS patients in Nigeria. Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Tuberculosis and Diabetes mellitus are individually one of the top ten causes of mortality all over the world. Two hundred HIV/AIDS patients were selected randomly from the HIV clinic in University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital. Fasting blood glucose levels were determined using glucose oxidase method. Patients had their sputum samples screened for three consecutive times for the presence of tubercle bacilli using the Ziehl Nelson staining technique. Fifty non-HIV/AIDS subjects served as a matched control (25 males and 25 females). Of the 200 patients screened, 93 (46.5%) were males and 107 (53.5%) were females. Twelve (6%) patients had hyperglycemia, and 75 (37.5%) patients had tuberculosis. Amongst patients concomitantly affected by hyperglycemia and tuberculosis, persons between 41-50 years and 20-30 years had the highest and lowest prevalence respectively. Gender prevalence was not significantly different. Simultaneous occurrences of hyperglycemia and TB in the HIV/AIDS patients was not statistically significant (p>0.05). The duration of administration of antiretroviral had no significant effect on the fasting blood glucose levels of HIV/AIDS patients but had a significant effect on the prevalence of TB in these patients.

Key words: Diabetes, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS patients, concomitant prevalence.