International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology

ISSN 2326-7275

International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology ISSN 2326-7275 Vol. 4 (6) pp. 085-088, September, 2015. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

An assessment of the effect of exposure to gasoline vapours on the functionality of the prostate gland using serum total and prostatic acid phosphatase

*Julius Akpan, Bob Ekong and Samuel Edet

Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Calabar, P.M.B.1115, Calabar, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author. Email:

Accepted 05 March, 2015


In this study, changes in the activities of serum total and prostatic acid phosphatase (TACP and PACP, respectively), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma( )-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and testosterone level were assessed in male rats exposed wholly to 17.8±2.6cm3 hr-1kg-1m-3 day-1 of gasoline vapours (8 hours daily, 6 days/week) for 20 weeks in exposure chambers. The results showed that exposure to gasoline vapours caused a significant increase (P < 0.05) in serum TACP, PACP, ALP, GGT and testosterone levels, by 74.12 ± 4.71, 74.00 ± 2.80, 53.00 ± 3.6, 87.17 ± 2.5 and 83.42 ± 5.2 percents, respectively, in male rats. Increase in serum acid and alkaline phosphatases, - glutamyltransferase and testosterone levels, observed in this study to be associated with exposure of male rats to gasoline vapours, is known to be implicated in various prostatic clinical conditions, including prostatic cancer.

Key words : Gasoline vapours, acid phosphatase,  -glutamyltransferase, testosterone.