African Journal of Crop Science

ISSN 2375-1231

African Journal of Crop Science ISSN 2375-1231 Vol. 5 (2), pp. 001-005, February, 2017. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Estimate of genetic variability and correlation coefficients for some quantitative characters in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Yakubu Yahaya

Lake Chad Research Institute, P. M. B. 1293 Maiduguri, Nigeria. E-mail:

Accepted 24 November 2016


To improve wheat in terms of yield and other agronomic characters, twenty-five (25) varieties of bread wheat were selected to test the amount phenotypic and genotypic variability present and phenotypic correlation coefficients in relation to yield. High genetic coefficient of variation was obtained for weight of main spike and awn length. Heritability was found to be high for awn length, spike length, weight of the main spike and plant height. Total tillers per plant, spike length and number of grains per spike had moderate heritability with high genetic advance. Grain yield per plant was high and positively correlated with effective tiller per plant. A positive significant correlation of yield was observed with length of spike, spike lets per spike, weight of main spike and plant height. Effective number of tiller and weight of the main spike had high heritability with high genetic advance and significant positive correlation with yield.

Key Word: Estimate, genetic variability, correlation coefficients, quantitative characters, bread wheat, (Triticum aestivum L.).