African Journal of Agronomy

ISSN 2375-1185

African Journal of Agronomy Vol. 1 (1), pp. 007-009, June, 2013. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Effect of organic and synthetic fertilization in grapefruit (Citrus paradasi Macf.) yield and juice quality

Jesus Martinez de la Cerda*, Hector Rojas Perez, Adriana Gutierrez Diez, Emilio Olivares Saenz and Juana Aranda Ruiz

Faculty of Agronomy, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel: (81) 1341-4399.

Accepted 18 April, 2013


The study was conducted during 2010 to 2011 production year on a 14 year grapefruit (Citrus paradasi Macf.) grove in the locality of “Las Anacuas” in the municipality of General Teran, N.L. Mexico. The objective of the study was to observe the effect of organic and synthetic fertilizer in the grapefruit yield and juice quality. Treatments were in 00-00-00, 100-00-00, 160-80-95, 200-80-95, 250-120-140, 5 tons per hectare of chicken manure+70-00-00 and 10 tons per hectare of chicken manure+ 35-00-00. Results indicated that treatment 160-80-95 and 5 tons per hectare of chicken manure+70-00-00, obtained the highest large fruit weight and total yield. Treatments 160-80-95 and 200-80-95 obtained the highest weight regarding medium fruits and 00-00-00 obtained the most weight of small fruits. Based on the results and costs, the recommendation is to apply 160-80-95 or 5 tons per hectare of chicken manure+70-00-00. Phosphorus and potassium dosage of 80 and 95 kg/ha respectively, are sufficient in order to obtain high yields when 160 kg/ha of nitrogen is added. No difference was found between the treatments regarding juice quality.

Key words: Grapefruit, fertilization, yield, organic, synthetic.