African Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies

ISSN 2756-3405

African Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies ISSN 1621-4587 Vol. 3 (6), pp. 001-002, June, 2017. © International Scholars Journals


Re-reading power and freedom in J.S. Mill, University of Toronto press, 2000

Vasilis Grollios

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. E-mail:

Accepted 16 March, 2017


One of the most interesting books about J.S. Mill’s political and social philosophy is Bruce Baum’s PhD thesis. His book is one of the very few that seriously try to lift to the surface economic freedom and distributive justice in Mill’s social theory and to relate liberty and equality in this philosopher’s social thought.

Key words: Social expediency, democracy, working class, competition.