Frontiers of Agriculture and Food Technology

ISSN 2736-1624

Frontiers of Agriculture and Food Technology Vol. 2 (7), pp. 219-224, July, 2014. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

The source of antimicrobial proteinaceous food substance

Singh Jumi, Raj Vadewki and Vijay P.

Department of Siddha Medicine, Faculty of Sciences, Tamil University, P O Box 1549, Thanjavur-10, India.


Accepted 13 June, 2014


Spoilage of food due to contamination by bacteria present in the environment is a major problem which affects human health and efforts to identify antibacterial components from natural sources has gained momentum. In this regard we isolated a new strain of BACILLUS LICHENIFORMIS IITRHR2 (accession number FJ447354) which produced bacteriocin like inhibitory substance (BLIS). Partially purified BLIS showed a major peak on HPLC with antimicrobial activity. This proteinaceous substance (~1.2 kDa) was thermo-stable and pH resistant but lost activity when subjected to proteinase treatment. BLIS inhibited growth of 16 bacteria including environmental and clinical contaminants of food products and potentiated the activity of nisin. In conclusion, the proteinaceous substance isolated from B. LICHENIFORMIS IITRHR2 showed potential to combat contamination of food products by bacteria present in the environment.

Key words:  Antimicrobial activity, Bacillus licheniformis IITRHR2, BLIS, nisin.