Frontiers of Agriculture and Food Technology

ISSN 2736-1624

About this Journal 

Aims and scope

Frontiers of Agriculture and Food Technology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal publishing reviews, regular research papers, and short communications in all aspects of  agricultural science, food science, food technology and nutrition sciences. FAFT focuses on a combination of fundamentals, best practice, regulation, method selection, and technique solutions, complementing a series of application-based research on food science and technology. 

FAFT offer scientists, researchers, and other food professionals the opportunity to share knowledge of scientific significance in the myriad disciplines affecting their work, through a respected peer-reviewed platform. With authors from more than 100 countries and readers from 150 countries, FAFT is an international forum for vital research and developments in food science.

Topics covered by the journal include:

  • Food as the primary focus in agriculture
  • food chemistry
  • food microbiology and safety
  • food toxicology
  • materials science of foods
  • food engineering
  • physical properties of foods
  • sensory science
  • food quality
  • health and nutrition
  • food biophysics analysis of foods
  • food nanotechnology
  • emerging technologies
  • environmental and sustainability aspects of food processing.

Bibliographic information

ISSN 2736-1624
DOI: 10.46882/FAFT

Open Access

  • All articles published by this journal are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.  Kindly visit these links for more information about our Copyright and Open Access Policy


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