Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

ISSN 2756-326X

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences ISSN 2381-3911 Vol. 2 (2), pp. 028-032, February, 2016. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Bio control disease agents exposed to pathogens of chickpea by different combinations under field condition

Kamran Khomeini1, Rostam Daneshjoo2, Mousavi Rosie Nasr3* and Mahmoud Bakhtiar4

1Department of Agriculture Payame Noor University (PNU), 19395 - 3697, Iran. 2Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Ardabil Province, 56951- 365, Iran. 3Genetic Resources Institute of ANAS, Baku AZ1106, Azerbaijan.

4Department of Agriculture Payame Noor University (PNU), 19395 - 3697, Iran.


Accepted 5 January, 2016


The capability of Trichoderma (T.) harzianum (T1), T. asperellum (T2) and T. virens (T3) as bio control agents for two pathogens of chickpea roots, Fusarium solani and Fusarium oxysporum were evaluated alone or in combination under field and greenhouse conditions. Chickpea planted in artificial soil infested with pathogens F. solani and F. oxysporum were treated with T1, T2, T3, T1+T2, T1+T3, T2+T3, T1+T2+T3. Our results indicated that the best biocontrol treatment occurred in groups infested with F. solani and treated with T1+T2+T3 (84%), followed by groups exposed to F. oxysporum with the same treatment (83%). The least effective group was roots infested with both Fusarium spp. and treated with T. virens (T3). It is concluded that although all bio control agents that were applied individually reduced disease incidence, synthetic treatments showed a more protective effect as a biocontrol for chickpea fields exposed to F. solani and F. oxysporum under greenhouse condition.

Key words: Fusarium solani, Fusarium oxysporum, Trichoderma, biocontrol, chickpea