Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

ISSN 2756-326X

About this Journal 

Aims and scope

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that is dedicated to publishing the latest advancements in the field of Agricultural Sciences. The journal serves as a platform for disseminating original research and review articles that cover a wide range of topics in agricultural sciences. We particularly emphasize interdisciplinary studies that explore the intersection of agriculture and food, as we believe these studies hold great potential for addressing the complex challenges faced by the industry. To ensure the quality and reliability of the published content, all submissions undergo a rigorous peer-review process. Our esteemed panel of experts, who are leaders in their respective fields, meticulously evaluate each submission to ensure its scientific rigor, originality, and contribution to the field. 

Bibliographic information

ISSN 2756-326X
DOI: 10.46882/AAAS

Open Access
At Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences, we are committed to providing free and immediate access to all articles published in our journal. We believe that knowledge should be freely available to everyone, without any subscription charges or registration barriers. As such, all articles are made accessible online as soon as they are published.

Copyright and Licensing
As authors of articles published in our journal, you retain the copyright to your work. This means that you have the right to control how your article is used, reproduced, or disseminated. However, we also believe in the importance of sharing knowledge and promoting collaboration among researchers. Therefore, you have already granted third parties the right to use, reproduce, or disseminate your article in accordance with the International Scholars Journals license agreement.


Non-Standard Copyright Lines
If you are unable to be a copyright holder for any reason, we understand and are here to accommodate your needs. Our journal can accommodate non-standard copyright lines to ensure that your work is appropriately acknowledged and protected. Please feel free to contact us for further information or if you require any assistance in this regard.



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