International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews

ISSN 2329-9843

International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews ISSN 2329-9843 Vol. 3 (9), pp. 530-534, November, 2015. © International Scholars Journals


Curriculum reform for elementary education in Nigeria

*Femi G. Bola, Elechi O. Ladipo and Wande F. H

Department of Curriculum Section, Faculty of Education, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author E-mail:

Accepted 31 June, 2015


Nigeria educational system has gone through various developments recently. The selection and organization of curriculum contents distribution and use of teaching materials and its relevance to the curriculum, the need and aspirations of the society are problems associated with Nigeria educational system. Therefore changes have become imperative in the current curriculum for all the educational levels in Nigeria. This is the crux of this paper. Children and youths of today do not live in a “kid-friendly” world. They face serious problems as never before: problems such as substance abuse, teenage pregnancy and youth violence, among others. These events therefore accentuate the fact that we live in a terrible world. Now more than ever, it dawn on us as educators to be diligent in our efforts to educate the child wholly. Many claim it is no longer enough to simply teach Math or Reading Social Studies or Music, effort should be made in teaching “right from wrong”, hence the need for character training curriculum. The benefits of character training education as highlighted in this paper are immense. It includes among others an admiration for quality of character that assures the young that there is the need to be responsible and to act right. The paper concludes with the fact that the school can give a virtuous foundation through the teaching of character training education as an independent subject in primary, post primary and tertiary levels.

Key word: Character, training, reform, curriculum, basic education.