Advances in Food Science and Technology

ISSN 2756-3286

Advances in Food Science and Technology ISSN: 6732-4215 Vol. 4 (4), pp. 001-008, April, 2016. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Effects of adding vitamin E to diets supplemented with sardine oil

*Alfonso N. Slim, Alejandro V. I and Lupita F. Rivera

Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico.

Accepted 16 November, 2015


The aim of this study was to know the effect of adding vitamin E (VE) (100 and 200 mg/kg) to diets supplemented with sardine oil (SO) on egg fatty-acids (FA) composition. 240 Bovans hens were grouped into four treatments: T1- basal diet (BD), T2-BD+2.5% SO, T3-BD+2.5% SO+100 mg/kg VE, and T4-BD+2.5% SO+200 mg/kg VE. After four weeks, eggs were collected from each treatment, and analyzed FA content using gas chromatography. Results: a) 14:0, 16:0, 16:1, 20:5n3, 22:6n3 and 22:6n3 content were higher in eggs from treatments with SO (T2) and n6:n3 ratio was better (11:1 vs 2:1) than the control group (T1) (P<0.05); b) T3 had a reduction of 16:0, 16:1, 18:2n6 and 18:3n3 in eggs (P>0.05); c)  T4 had a reduction on the concentration of saturated and polyunsaturated FA in eggs (P<0.05). The productive parameters were no affected, only egg yolk color increased when SO was added to the diets (P<0.05). It is concluded that adding SO to laying hens diet increases n3 FA in eggs, and that adding large quantities (100 or 200 mg/kg) of VE to diets supplemented with SO reduce the concentration of the polyunsaturated FA.

Key words: Vitamin E, sardine oil, egg fatty acid, laying hen, egg composition, egg lipids.