Frontiers of Agriculture and Food Technology

ISSN 2736-1624

Frontiers of Agriculture and Food Technology ISSN 7295-2849 Vol. 9 (7), pp. 001-004, July, 2019. © International Scholars Journals


Molecular techniques: An overview of methods for the detection of bacteria

Olubukola O. Babalola

Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. E-mail: Tel.: +2348037035965.

Accepted 15 April, 2019


Several DNA molecular markers are now available for use in surveillance and investigation of food-borne outbreaks that were previously difficult to detect. The results from several sources of literature indicate substantially different degrees of sensitivities between conventional detection methods and molecular-based methods. The new technology is noted for increased sensitivity over the traditional culture methods which they complement.

Key words: molecular techniques, fingerprinting, microorganism.