International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews

ISSN 2329-9843

International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews ISSN 2329-9843 Vol. 4 (3), pp. 661-665, March, 2016.  © International Scholars Journals


Education as a tool for empowering women necessary for full participation in national development

Ukoko Destiny Omokiniovo

Curriculum and Instruction Department, College of Education, Warri Delta State, Nigeria.


Accepted 28 February, 2016


Education is an important tool for empowering the individual with abilities and capabilities necessary for full participation in national development. The education of the woman is a huge asset to her nation. However, women had played second fiddle to men and they have been relegated to the background in various fields of human endeavour. The important roles women play in nation building is currently receiving deserved attention. Many women do not participate fully in political activities either because the society frowns at it or they are not educationally sound. Although there have been some improvement over the years, majority of women still lag behind men in power, wealth and opportunity. Many factors such as traditional, socio-cultural, socioeconomic and religion constraints inhibit women education and political participation. Though history has recorded some notable Nigerian women’s contribution to national development, much is still left undone. That the government should intensity the programmes for women education and ensure equitable representation of both sexes in political appointments were some recommendations proffered.

Keywords: Women Education, Participation in Politics, Sustainable Development