Advances in Food Science and Technology

ISSN 2756-3286

Advances in Food Science and Technology ISSN: 6732-4215 Vol. 4 (7), pp. 001-004, July, 2016. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Nutritional levels of some local vegetables from Delta State, Nigeria

*Aafang D. Edet, Nfang M. O and Okoriere R. Vincent

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria.

Accepted 20 March, 2016


Levels of nutritional and antinutritional factors of five leafy edible green vegetables from Delta State, Nigeria were studied. These vegetables are consumed generally in this area and recently, Jatropha Curcus was added to the list of common vegetables. Analyses were done using standard analytical methods. Crude protein, crude lipid, carbohydrate, moisture, ash, crude fiber and colorific values, had values of 6.16±0.22-6.72±0.15, 4.20±0.15-4.80±0.18, 2.96±0.16-3.96±0.22, 78.78±1.42-81.77±1.45, 1.52±0.04-2.00±0.03, 1.60±0.02-4.50±0.14% and 78.92±1.55 to 83.84±1.87Kcal/100 g, respectively. The mineral contents were; sodium 4.44±0.22-5.24±0.21 ug/g, calcium 1.07±0.22-4.82±0.14, potassium 0.97±0.06-0.98±0.05, magnesium 1.45±0.15, -1.95±0.16 ug/g, iron 0.09±0.01-0.61±0.02 ug/g, zinc ND-0.09±0.002 ug/g, phosphorus 0.89±0.05-2.82±0.07 ug/g and copper ND-0.24±0.01 ug/g. The antinutrient compositions were oxalate 0.88±0.12-2.20±0.25 ug/g, phytate 6.89±0.25-13.00±0.45 ug/g and hydrocyanide 0.13±0.04-0.23±0.01 ug/g. These results showed that these vegetables contained an appreciable amount of nutrients, mineral elements and low levels of anti-nutrients and could be included in diets to supplement our daily allowance needed by the body.

Key words: Local vegetables, minerals, nutrients, antinutritional.