International Journal of Management and Business Studies

ISSN 2167-0439

International Journal of Management and Business Studies ISSN 2167-0439 Vol. 6 (8), pp. 408-413, November, 2016. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Domesticated model of knowledge management application in Institute of International Energy Studies (IIES)

Shahab Reza Neshat1*, Mahmoud C. A. Daei1, Hossein A. Ali2 and Behrouz Shah Nassirian3

1Kalhor alley, Sheykh Akbari Alley, Fadaian Eslam Street, Shahre rey, Tehran, Iran.

2Piroozi Street, Tehran, Iran.

3AHMADI Alley, Shahre rey, Tehran, Iran.


Accepted 15 October, 2016


This study has concentrated on presenting and designing domesticated model of knowledge management implementation in Institute of International Energy Studies (IIES). This research on the base of its goal is an applied and developing research, and the research methodology is a quantitative and survey research. Needed information in this study has been gathered from document analysis and semi-directed interview and analyzed by content analysis method; consequently, enterprises for implementing KMS should handle 7 stages process, IIES KM Implementation Model: Project Management, Background and Literature Analysis in the Industry, Awareness around Best Practice in the field of Knowledge Management and its external environment, Formulating strategic KM statement in the pilot section, Formulating KM regulation in the pilot section, Experimental implementation and testing the KM Soft Ware in the pilot section and Education and creation of culture in the pilot section. Generally, utilizing this model in the enterprises strategically will be due to synergy and resources and knowledge capabilities value creation.

Key words: Knowledge, knowledge management, knowledge management methodology, knowledge management strategy, IIES.