International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews

ISSN 2329-9843

International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews ISSN: 2329-9843 Vol. 3 (2), pp. 038-046, April, 2015. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Access to guidance and counseling services and its influence on Students’ school life and career choice

Mghweno Penueli Eliamani1*, Mghweno Leonard Richard2, and Baguma Peter3

1* Bugema University, School of Social Sciences, P.O. Box 6529, Kampala, Uganda.

2 Bugema University, School of Education, Kampala, Uganda.

3 Makerere University, Institute of Psychology, Kampala, Uganda.

*Correspondent author. E-mail:

Accepted 19 December, 2013


A study was conducted to examine the influence of secondary school students’ access to guidance and counseling services on school life, attitude towards studies and career choices. The study used descriptive and correlation designs with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaire from 152 students; and interview guide to 16 administrators and teachers who are directly involved in guidance and counseling services. The findings reveal that the services offered in the selected schools included: academic, health, moral, and spiritual matters. Although no trained counselor was found, the services offered proved to be moderately effective in influencing students’ study life; and effective in shaping students’ attitude towards studies and career choice. Out of 152 student respondents, only 10(6.6%) reported that they have not been counseled at any moment. Accessing the services showed significant correlation with students’ attitude towards studies and career choice (p = 0.00 at α = 0.05). Likewise, significant relationship was observed between students’ attitude towards studies and career choice (p = 0.015 at α = 0.05). It was concluded that accessing guidance and counseling services has an effect in shaping students’ attitude towards studies and career choice.

Key words: Guidance, counseling, career, attitude, Same district, access.