International Journal of Management and Business Studies

ISSN 2167-0439

International Journal of Management and Business Studies ISSN 2167-0439 Vol. 8 (3), pp. 001-015, March, 2018. © International Scholars Journals


Aditya Birla’s Alexandria Carbon Black operation: Global strategies for global markets

Harold D. Harlow

School of Business, Wingate University, Campus Box 3008, Wingate, NC 28174, USA. E-mail: Tel: 001-704-233-8141. Fax: 001-704-233-8156.

Accepted 06 December, 2017


The Alexandria Carbon Black Case Study examined initial and continuing investment in petrochemical manufacturing facilities in Egypt by an Indian multinational. The case brought together the various aspects of global strategy, cultural issues, social responsibility and developing world companies’ success in displacing current producers with operational strategies that include new plants, adherence to ISO standards, increased response to customer needs and attention to just in time warehousing close to customers. The case also shows how corporate, SBU and functional strategies at newly global Indian companies like Aditya Birla are having a huge impact on entrenched producers providing huge new opportunities in low growth businesses. Questions such as developing local staff, new ideas for increasing production, strategies for continuing growth and how to continue to grow the Alexandria Carbon Black business globally as the business model is recognized and duplicated by competitors in Eastern Europe and China are highlighted by the case.

Key words: Global strategies in basic industries, international finance, social responsibility, growth in basic industries, Cross cultural management.