International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews

ISSN 2329-9843

International Journal of Education Research and Reviews ISSN 2329-9843 Vol. 3 (3), pp. 109-116, May, 2015. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Attitudes toward inclusion of children with special needs in regular schools (A case study from parents' perspective)

Elias Chalil

Psychology and Education, Lebanese American University, P. O. Box 135053. Chouran-Beirut, 1120 2801-Lebanon. E-mail:

Accepted 25 November,  2014


The purpose of this case study was to find out the attitudes of parents towards mainstreaming children with special needs into 2 regular private elementary schools in Sidon-Lebanon. A total of 15 parents were interviewed out of 35 whose children have learning disabilities. Sampling was purposeful where the subjects were chosen to facilitate reaching a range of data related to the targeted theme. Data collected was analyzed within the intention to detect; (a) attitude of parents towards various aspects of inclusion namely, cooperation, academic improvement and social adaptation of special and regular students and modification of teaching methods, (b) attitudes related to information on types of inclusion, types of special needs to be included and level at which inclusion is recommended. Respondents showed a positive attitude towards the various aspects of inclusion, types and levels of inclusion. Results were discussed in terms of relevant research outcome in Lebanon and other countries and in relation to implication for future research and practice. Attitudes towards Inclusion of children with special needs in regular schools (A case study from parents' perspective).

Key words: Inclusion, inclusive education, learning disabled child, special education, educational change, case studies.