International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews

ISSN 2329-9843

International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews ISSN 2329-9843 Vol. 3 (3), pp. 133-140, May, 2015. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Views of educational supervisors concerning the feasibility of educational supervision regulation

Sait Akbali1* and Mehmet Özba2

1Faculty of Education, Mersin University, 33169 Mersin, Turkey.

2Faculty of Education, Erzincan University, 24100 Erzincan, Turkey.

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Accepted 28 November, 2012


The main purpose of this study is to determine the level in which educational supervisors who carry out the regulations concerning the feasibility conditions of educational supervision regulation views arise. The research was carried out in 2010 to 2011 academic year; the research population included 3150 educational supervisors and the research sample included 387 educational supervisors. The research is a descriptive study in screening model. Research data were collected with ‘Educational Supervisors’ Views Scale Concerning the Feasibility of Educational Supervision Regulation’ that has been developed with a multiple approach based on the front-end application results. Research data were analyzed using descriptive statistics for frequency (f), percentage (%) and arithmetic average ( X ). According to the research results, educational supervisors have mentioned that educational supervision regulation is much more applicable at appointment and training dimension than at service and on-the job training. Educational supervisors consider it necessary to focus primarily on supervision of education and school management to determine their authority and responsibilities in relation to their own assigned position. Supervisors also think that they cannot adequately perform all the duties of educational supervision that includes training, selection and appointment.

Key words: Educational supervision, educational supervision regulation, supervision, educational supervision, management auditing.