African Journal of AIDS and HIV Research

ISSN 2736-1748

African Journal of AIDS and HIV Research ISSN 2736-1748 Vol. 12 (1), pp. 001-004, January, 2024. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Cross-cultural perspectives on adolescent perceptions of HIV/AIDS vulnerability: An American and African comparison

Tuntufye Selemani Mwamwenda

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 50 Holzner Road Pinetown 3610 South Africa. Email:

Accepted 25 November, 2023


The aim of this investigation was to examine African and American adolescents’ claim to HIV/AIDS invulnerability frequently expressed stance that they are not susceptible to the transmission of HIV/AIDS. Participants were selected from diverse countries comprising USA, Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania. The method of data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, chi-square and probability. The measuring instrument was a questionnaire dealing with HIV/AIDS transmission, infection and prevention. The results showed that the majority of participants held the perception and belief that indeed they were invulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection, even though some of them engaged in behaviour that predisposed them to contracting HIV/AIDS. In conclusion, it was argued that HIV/AIDS public education ought to underscore this misconception to advance the cause against HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Keywords: Adolescents in denial, HIV/AIDS transmission, low HIV perception, HIV/AIDS invulnerability, existence of HIV/AIDS, university students