African Journal of AIDS and HIV Research

ISSN 2736-1748

Editorial Board


Dr. Chrispin Dambula
School of Intercultural Studies,
Fuller Theological Seminary, 135 N. Oakland Ave, Pasadena,
CA 91101-1780, USA.

Deputy Chief Editor

Prof. Tekena O. Harry, PhD

Professor of Virology

Department of Immunology and Microbiology

University of Maiduguri Teaching



Maiduguri, Nigeria



Prof. John A.Idoko, MD, FMCP

Professor of Medicine

Head, InfectiousDiseases Program

Director,APIN andAPIN Plus


Jos University Teaching Hospital

Murtala MohammedWay

Jos, Nigeria


Prof. Omotade O. 'Femi Julius

Director, Institute of Child Health, College of Medicine,

Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Ibadan

Director, Centre for HIV-AIDS Intervention, Nigeria (CEHAIN)

Phone: 234-805-123-4443 (cell phone); 234-2-241-1081



Dr. Fred Wabwire-Mangen, MBChB, MPH, PhD

Associate Professor, Epidemiology

Makerere University Institute of Public Health

New Mulago Hospital Complex

P.O. Box 7072

Kampala, Uganda

E-mail:  /


Prof. Ritu Priya  Mehrotra

Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health

Email: or

Dr. Vishwa Mohan Katoch

Department of Health Research  

(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) &

Director General

Indian Council of Medial Research

Ramalingaswami Bhawan,

Ansari Nagar,New Delhi 110029

E-mail: , ,

Assoc. Prof. Folasade T. Ogunsola, MD,


Associate Professor, Medical


Department of Medical Microbiology

and Parasitology

College of Medicine

University of Lagos


Lagos, Nigeria


Dr. D. C. S. Reddy            


Office of WR- India

9, JORBAGH (1st Floor) New Delhi- 110003,



Prof. Phyllis J.Kanki, DVM, DSc

Director, AIDS Prevention Initiative

in Nigeria

PrincipalInvestigator, Harvard


Professor of Immunology and


Harvard School of Public Health

651 HuntingtonAvenue

Boston, MA02115, USA


Dr. Banerjea, Akhil Chandra

Scientist, Laboratory of Virology,

National Institute of Immunology,

New Delhi – 110067,


Email: or

Dr. Yuanzhi Zhang, Bmed

Director, Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control

Xinjiang  Uighur Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control (XJCDC)

Beijing Nan Lu, #48

Urumqi, Xinjang 830011



Dr. Wei Liu, BMed

Director, Guangxi Center for HIV Prevention & Control (GXAIDS)

Guangxi Centes for Disease Control & Prevention (GXCDC)

80 Taoyuan Road

Nanning, Guangxi 530021



Dr. Glenda Gray

Co-Director, Perinatal HIV Research Unit

James McIntyre, MBChB, MRCOG

University of the Witwatersrand

Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital

Old Potch, Soweto

PO Bertsham 2013

South Africa

E-mail:  /

Prof. Linda-Gail Bekker, PhD

Professor, Desmond Tutu HIV Centre

University of Cape Town

P.O. Box 13801

Mowbray, 13801, South Africa


Dr. AC Banerjea

Scientist-VII & Chief Laboratory of Virology,

National Institute of Immunology JNU Campus ,

Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi


Specialization     Viral Pathogenesis and Gene Therapy

E-mail: or

Prof. Sajid Hussain         

Professor & Head

Area of SpecializationVirology & Immunology

Area of Interest                HIV/AIDS virology & Immunology

Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab,



Dr. Zafar Amin Shah

Professor & Head

Department of Immunology & Molecular Medicine

Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences,



Immunodiagnostics, Cancer Immunology / Cancer Genetics


Dr. Sarman Singh

Professor & Head of

Clinical Microbiology Division,

Department of Laboratory Medicine,

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)

New Delhi-1100029, India


Editorial Board Members

  • John Baxter, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, USA
  • Linda-Gail Bekker, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Fabrice Bonnet, Universite Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2, France
  • Mary N. Carrington, NCI-Frederick, USA
  • Inge B. Corless, MGH Institute of Health Professions, USA
  • Eric Daar, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, USA
  • Ann Duerr, University of Washington, USA
  • Magnus Gisslén, Göteborg University, Sweden
  • Glenda Gray, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • Nancy A. Hessol, University of California, San Francisco, USA
  • Esper Kallas, Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, University of Sao Paulo,, Brazil
  • D. A. Katzenstein, Stanford University, USA
  • Peter P. Koopmans, Radboud University, The Netherlands
  • Reinhard Kurth, Robert Koch-Institute, Germany
  • Roger Le Grand, Universite Paris-Sud XI, France
  • Andrea Mangano, Hospital de Pediatría Juan P Garrahan, Argentina
  • Otoniel Martinez-Maza, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
  • Nelson L. Michael, Walter Reed Army Institute for Research, USA
  • Landon Myer, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Marie-Louise Newell, University College London, United Kingdom
  • P. K. Nicholas, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital Institute, USA
  • Martine Peeters, University of Montpellier 1, France
  • Praphan Phanuphak, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Guido Poli, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Italy
  • Gita Ramjee, University of South Africa, South Africa
  • Robert R. Redfield, University of Maryland, USA
  • John J. Rossi, City of Hope, USA
  • Soraya Seedat, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • Kumud K. Singh, University of California San Diego, USA