Advances in Food Science and Technology

ISSN 2756-3286

Advances in Food Science and Technology Vol. 2 (5), pp. 204-208, May, 2014. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

An insight into food quality amongst metropolitan citizens: A case of Bangladesh

1Yasir Haxor, 1Jordan Monir and 2Koushik Rocy

1Department of Business Administration, Bangladesh Open University, Bazar Bangladesh.

2School of Business, North South University. Bangladesh.


Accepted 14 April, 2014


Contaminated and unhygienic food intake is a major problem in the urban cities of Bangladesh. This raises a serious concern for health of the urban citizens. The research investigates into the attitude of the urban educated people on their awareness of food safety. The findings of the study suggest a high degree of awareness amongst respondents of the attitudinal survey. People with higher educational background show higher degree of awareness of how the quality of food should be maintained. A lack of confidence on the functions of government regulatory agency in testing the food standard is also reflected in the study.

Key words: Food quality, contaminated food, unhygienic environment, processed food.