Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

ISSN 2756-326X

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences ISSN 2381-3911 Vol. 2 (6), pp. 133-137, June, 2016. © International Scholars Journals 

Full Length Research Paper

Effectiveness of sunshine organic fertilizer, organmineral fertilizer and mineral fertilizer on soil nutrients, growth and yield of Maize

Babatunde S. A*, Ovigwe H. Ernest and Howard C. kelvin

Adeyemi College of Education, Department of Agricultural Science, PMB 520, Ondo, Ondo State, Nigeria


Accepted 10 May, 2016


Many Researchers have shown that neither mineral fertilizers nor organic manures are a panacea for soil fertility management in Nigeria. This has led to the innovation of organomineral fertilizer which combines the attribute of both mineral and organic fertilizers. Field experiments were conducted in 2011 and 2012 to compare the effect of industrial manufactured organic (OG) fertilizer and organomineral fertilizer (OMF) at the rate of 0, 2.5 and 10t/ha; and NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer (NPK) at the rate of 300kg/ha on soil chemical properties, nutrient uptake, growth and yield of maize in Ondo, Southwestern Nigeria. The treatments were laid out in randomized complete Block Design with four replications and with plots size of 5m×5m. Compared with control, OG, OMF and NPK fertilizers significantly (P <0.05) increased plant N,P, K, Ca, Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn Also compared with control, Organic fertilizer (OM), Organomineral fertilizer (OMF) and NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer at all rates significantly increased (P <0.05) maize plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, Stover yield, root dry matter and grain yield. The percent increases in cumulative grain yield were 5t/ha OMF (68.31), 2.5t/ha OMF (60.21), 10t/ha OMF (38.72), 10t/ha OG (49.65) 300kg/ha NPK (12.13), 5t/ha OG (9.51), 2.5t/ha OG (5.63) compared with control. Organic and organomineral fertilizers at low level of application could be used to increase plant nutrients as well as maize production in south western Nigeria.

Keywords: Stover yield, macronutrient, micronutrient, cumulative effect, soil.