African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development

ISSN 2375-0693

African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development Vol. 1 (2), pp. 051-052, October, 2013. © International Scholars Journals

Short Communication

Comparative growth performance of male and female freshwater prawn Macrobrachium tenellum (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) cultured in tropical earthen ponds

Jesús T. Ponce-Palafox1*, Fermín López Uriostegui 1, Mario Alfredo Benítez Maldujano2, Sergio Castillo Vargasmachuca1, Aurelio Benítez Valles1, Julio Gómez Gurrola1 and José Luis Arredondo-Figueroa3

1Posgrado Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias (CBAP) Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit-Escuela Nacional de Ingeniería Pesquera, Centro Nayarita de Innovación y Transferencia Tecnológica, Ciudad de la Cultura Amado Nervo S/N, Tepic, Nayarit, México 63155.

2 Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco. División Académica Multidisciplinaria De Los Ríos. Av. Universidad s/n, Zona de la Cultura, Col. Magisterial, Vhsa, Centro, Tabasco, Mexico. C.P. 86040.

3Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Centro de Ciencias Agropecuarias, km 3 de la carretera Jesús María-La Posta, Jesús María, Aguascalientes, México.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel: 052+3111330418.

Accepted 27 August, 2013


The purpose of the present study was to determine the performance growth and yield of male and female Macrobrachium tenellum, cultured in earthen ponds. A total of 6 earthen ponds containing 1,400 ± 50.0 m2 of water and a depth of 0.85 m were used. A total of 19,600 juvenile M. tenellum were introduced into each pond to a stocking density of 14 org m-2. The final length, final weight, specific growth rate, weekly growth rate and yield presented significant differences (P < 0.05) between sexes, with the males exhibiting higher values of these indicators. The survival rate was higher in females (65.0%). The total yield obtained in this culture reached 1,603 kg ha-1.

Key words: Macrobrachium tenellum, specific growth rate, weekly growth rate, survival rate, feed conversion. rate.