African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development

ISSN 2375-0693

About the Journal

Aims and Scope

The African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that is dedicated to advancing the publication of scholarly articles that encompass various dimensions of agricultural economics, with a specific focus on enhancing the well-being of rural populations. We welcome submissions that contribute to the analysis and understanding of the intricate agricultural landscape and rural milieu in developing nations. Our journal serves as a veritable platform for disseminating research in agricultural economics and rural development, along with associated disciplines including statistics, marketing, business management, politics, history, and sociology, as they relate to pertinent issues in agriculture, food production, rural communities, and environmental sustainability.


Bibliographic information

ISSN: 2375-0693

DOI: 10.46882/AJAERD


Open Access Policy

African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development is committed to fostering open access to scholarly research in the field of agricultural economics and rural development. As part of our dedication to the principles of transparency, accessibility, and knowledge dissemination, we have established the following open access policy.

Immediate and Free Online Access: All articles published by the journal are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication. We do not impose any subscription charges or registration barriers, ensuring that our published research is readily available to a global audience.

Copyright and Usage Rights: Authors of articles published in our journal retain the copyright to their work. They have granted, in advance and in perpetuity, the right to any third party to use, reproduce, or disseminate their articles. This policy empowers authors to share their research and findings without restrictions, fostering collaboration and the widespread dissemination of knowledge.

Licensing: The African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development  operates under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). This means that readers are free to share and adapt the published work, provided they give appropriate credit to the original source and indicate if changes were made. This licensing framework supports the unrestricted use and distribution of scholarly content, promoting a culture of openness and collaboration in academic research.

Archiving and Preservation: In alignment with our commitment to the longevity of scholarly work, the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development is trying to partner with recognized digital archives and repositories to ensure the long-term preservation of our published articles. This proactive approach is expected to safeguard the accessibility and integrity of our research contributions for future generations of scholars and practitioners.


Article Processing Charges (APC)

The African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development is committed to maintaining full open access to all articles published in this journal. In order to ensure the sustainability of our operations and to cover essential publishing expenses, an article processing charge (APC) of $550 applies to papers accepted after peer review.

Purpose of the Article Processing Charge (APC): The article processing charge of $550 is designed to cover the costs associated with the publication process, including peer review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management. As a self-supporting organization that does not receive funding from any institution or government, the management of the journal is solely financed by the handling fees received from authors. These fees are essential to meet operational expenses such as employees' salaries, internet services, web hosting, application development and support, electricity, and other crucial aspects of journal management.

Authors submitting their manuscripts to the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development are required to pay a fair manuscript handling fee for the processing of their articles. It is important to note that there are no submission charges, and authors are only required to make payment after their manuscripts have been accepted for publication.

As an open access publisher, the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development does not receive payment for subscriptions, as our journals are freely accessible over the internet. We are dedicated to ensuring that valuable agricultural research is readily available to a global audience without any access barriers.

The article processing charges for each journal are set at a fair and transparent level, reflecting the commitment of the journal to support authors and facilitating the dissemination of high-quality agricultural research.

We recognize the valuable contributions of authors to the advancement of agricultural knowledge and research, and we remain committed to maintaining an equitable and transparent APC structure that supports our mission of open access and scholarly dissemination.

For any inquiries regarding article processing charges or manuscript handling fees, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We appreciate the continued support and contributions of authors to the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development.

INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS JOURNALS may also grants waivers to some authors. See Waiver Policy if you are eligible for a waiver.


Peer-review policy

At the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, peer review serves as the cornerstone of our commitment to upholding the quality and integrity of published research. It is the system used to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published, and it plays a vital role in ensuring the originality, validity, and significance of the research we disseminate.

Peer-Review Process: Upon submission, all manuscripts undergo a rigorous evaluation by independent researchers in the relevant research area. These expert reviewers assess the submitted manuscripts to help our editors determine whether the manuscript should be published in our journal. We operate a double-blind peer-review system, where both the authors and the reviewers remain anonymous to each other. This means that the reviewers do not know the identity or affiliations of the authors, and vice versa.

Benefits of Double-Blind Peer Review: The primary purpose of double-blind peer review is to eliminate biases that may arise from knowing the identity or affiliations of the authors. It aims to prevent discrimination based on factors such as gender, race, or institutional prestige, which could potentially influence the review process. Double-blind peer review is believed to help avoid reviewer bias and discrimination, thereby promoting fairness and objectivity in the evaluation of scholarly work.

Evaluation and Decision-Making: Submitted manuscripts will generally be reviewed by two or more experts who will be asked to evaluate whether the manuscript is scientifically sound and coherent, whether it duplicates already published work, and whether or not the manuscript is sufficiently clear for publication. The editors will reach a decision based on these reports and, where necessary, they will consult with members of the Editorial Board.

Quality Assurance and Integrity: The African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and integrity in the peer-review process. By engaging independent experts to evaluate submitted manuscripts, we ensure that published research meets the criteria of originality, validity, and significance, thereby contributing to the advancement of agricultural knowledge and innovation.

We invite authors, reviewers, and readers to familiarize themselves with our peer-review process, as we remain dedicated to the rigorous assessment of research and the dissemination of high-quality scholarly work.

For more information about the peer-review process, please refer to our peer-review process at ISJ.

We appreciate the valuable contributions of our reviewers and authors to the advancement of agricultural research and knowledge.


Editorial policies

All manuscripts submitted to the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development must adhere to INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS JOURNALS's editorial policies. We maintain neutrality concerning jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.


Citing articles in African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development

When citing articles from the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, please use the format: Authors. Title. Adv J Agric Res [year], [volume number]:[article number]. If available, include the DOI for the article (If available).

We encourage authors, reviewers, and readers to adhere to these citation guidelines when referencing articles from our journal.

Citation Examples:

Here are 10 APA format samples for articles:

Smith, A. B., Johnson, C. D., & Brown, E. F. (2023). Enhancing Crop Yield through Sustainable Soil Management. African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 5:82. [Include DOI if available]

Garcia, L., Patel, S., Lee, M., et al. (2022). The Role of Precision Agriculture in Improving Farm Productivity. African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 3:45. [Include DOI if available]

Yang, R., Williams, K., Davis, P., et al. (2021). Advancements in Sustainable Agriculture Practices. African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 2:19. [Include DOI if available]

Clark, T., Hall, M., Turner, S., et al. (2020). Innovations in Agricultural Engineering for Increased Efficiency. African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 1:7. [Include DOI if available]

White, J., Carter, B., King, L., et al. (2019). Exploring Agroecology for Sustainable Farming Practices. African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 4:33. [Include DOI if available]

Adams, R., Wright, E., Harris, G., et al. (2018). Addressing Global Agricultural Challenges through Collaborative Research. African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 3:12. [Include DOI if available]

Martinez, A., Lopez, M., & Garcia, R. (2023). Sustainable Water Management in Agricultural Systems. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7:124. [Include DOI if available]

Kim, S., Park, J., & Lee, H. (2022). Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6:98. [Include DOI if available]

Chen, Y., Wang, Q., & Zhang, L. (2021). Soil Health and Sustainable Agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5:72. [Include DOI if available]

Patel, R., Singh, A., & Sharma, B. (2020). Role of Biotechnology in Enhancing Agricultural Productivity. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4:55. [Include DOI if available]

These examples demonstrate the APA format for citing articles in this journal. For further information or specific citation queries, please refer to the APA Style guidelines or contact the editorial office of this journal.


Appeals and Complaints Policy

At the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of editorial integrity and transparency. We recognize the importance of providing authors with a clear and structured process for appealing editorial decisions or lodging complaints. Authors who wish to appeal a rejection or make a complaint should follow the procedure outlined in the INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS JOURNALS Editorial Policies.

Appeals and Complaints Procedure

Appeals Process: If an author wishes to appeal a decision made by the editorial team, they should submit an appeal letter to the journal's online editorial office. The appeal letter should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief and clearly outline the basis for the appeal, providing strong evidence or new data/information in response to the editor's and reviewers' comments. The editorial team may involve associate editors who handled the peer review of the original submission, depending on the nature of the appeal.

Complaints Handling: Authors may also lodge complaints about the failure of processes, such as long delays in handling papers, or raise concerns about publication ethics. Complaints should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief(s) responsible for the journal and/or the Editor who handled the paper. The Editor-in-Chief, together with the Handling Editor and/or in-house contact, will investigate the matter. Decisions on appeals are final, and new submissions take priority over appeals.

Scope of Complaints: All complaints should be within the scope of the Rules and Regulations governing the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development and should be related only to the content, policies, or processes of the journal. The journal will not consider complaints where the complainant simply disagrees with a decision taken by the Editorial team.

Policy Adherence: The African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development adheres to the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and ensures that all appeals and complaints are handled in accordance with the highest standards of publication ethics.

We welcome genuine appeals and complaints and are dedicated to ensuring a fair and transparent process for authors. Our commitment to addressing appeals and complaints underscores our dedication to maintaining the integrity and quality of the research published in the field of agricultural science.

For further information or specific inquiries regarding the appeals and complaints process, authors are encouraged to contact the journal's editorial office.


Benefits of Publishing with this Journal

At the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, we are dedicated to providing authors with a platform that offers numerous benefits, ensuring that their research receives the global recognition and impact it deserves. Here are the key benefits of publishing with this journal:

High Visibility: Our open access policy ensures maximum visibility for articles published in the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development. By making our content freely available, we enable global access, reaching a wide audience of researchers, scholars, and practitioners in the field of agricultural science.

Speed of Publication: We offer a fast publication schedule while maintaining rigorous peer review. All articles are submitted online, and our peer review process is managed fully electronically. Following acceptance, articles are promptly published with their final citation in both fully browsable web form and as a formatted PDF, ensuring rapid dissemination of research findings.

Flexibility: Online publication in the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development provides authors with the flexibility to publish large datasets, numerous color illustrations, and moving pictures. This allows for the display of data in a format that can be directly read by other software packages, enabling readers to manipulate the data for themselves. Additionally, authors have the opportunity to create relevant links to databases and other articles, enhancing the interactivity of their published work.

Promotion and Press Coverage: Articles published in the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development are included in article alerts and regular email updates. Selected articles may be highlighted on our journal's pages and on our publisher's homepage. Furthermore, we may promote published articles through press releases to the general or scientific press, significantly increasing the exposure and accessibility of the research.

By choosing to publish with the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, authors can benefit from the extensive visibility, rapid dissemination, flexibility, and promotional support that our open access platform offers. Our commitment to maximizing the impact of agricultural research is reflected in our efforts to ensure that published work receives the attention it deserves within the global scientific community.

For further information on publishing with our journal or specific inquiries, we encourage authors to reach out to our editorial office.


Copyright Policy

At the African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, we prioritize the rights of our authors and their intellectual property. As an author of an article published in our journal, you retain the copyright of your work and are granted the freedom to reproduce and disseminate your article in accordance with the terms outlined in the INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS JOURNALS license agreement.

Key Copyright Benefits:

Retained Copyright: Authors maintain the copyright of their articles, empowering them to exercise control over the dissemination and usage of their scholarly contributions.

Reproduction and Dissemination: Authors are free to reproduce and disseminate their work, leveraging the flexibility provided by the copyright ownership.


For further details regarding the specific terms and conditions of the INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS JOURNALS license agreement, we encourage authors to refer to the comprehensive guidelines outlined in the licensing documentation.

To explore the extensive advantages of publishing in a journal from INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS JOURNALS, we invite authors to access further information by clicking [here](insert link).

The African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development is committed to supporting authors in safeguarding their rights and promoting the accessibility and impact of their research within the global scientific community.

For additional inquiries or detailed information about our copyright policy, authors are encouraged to reach out to our editorial office.



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