African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development

ISSN 2375-0693

African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development ISSN 2375-0693 Vol. 8 (11), pp. 001-004, November, 2020. © International Scholars Journals


A perspective on genetically modified food crops

Kamil Ekici* and Yakup Can Sancak

Department of Food Hygiene and Technology, Veterinary College, University of Yuzuncu Yil, 65080 Van, Turkey.

Accepted 12 September, 2020


Genetic modification is the alteration of genetic material that would not occur naturally. It can be used as a tool to improve the quality of foods. Through genetic modification foods can be produced in larger quantities by increasing its resistance to pests and adverse weather conditions. Their protein and vitamin content may also be increased thus making them more nutritious. There are also claims of potential risks such as possible allergic reactions to modified proteins. To date, no international consensus has been reached for evaluation of the safety of genetically modified plants for consumption. Over the last decade, the safety of genetically modified crops in animal feed or foods for human consumption has been routinely tested in some countries. Protein- and DNA-based methods have been developed for detection of genetically modified organisms. Worldwide legislation now faces questions on the use and labeling requirements of genetically modified crops and their derivatives. Still, there are concerns about the safety of genetically modified crops. Also, genetically modified crops could contain toxic substances or larger amounts of heavy metals and the crops might not be substantially equivalent in genome, proteome, and metabolome to unmodified crops. An additional concern is that contrary to expectations, genetically modified crops may be less nutritious; for example, they might contain lower amounts of essential phytoestrogens, needed to protect against heart disease and cancer. This review will focus on perspectives of the genetically modified food crops.

Key words: Food crops, genetic modification, transgenic, biotechnology-derived crops.