African Journal of Agronomy

ISSN 2375-1185

Table of Contents in 2018


Processing and culturing of microalgae in biofuel production

*Stanislaw Alfred Tarski, Wislama H. Leonid and Czeslaw Krupa

Page: 346 - 355

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

A study of dairy sewage sludge as the source of soil quality improvement or its degradation

Zuba Opiola and Marek Goss, *Jurgiel Artur

Page: 362 - 369

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Transformations, stages and microorganisms that participate in methane fermentation process

*Edvard O. Fredriksen, Fridtjof Amundsen and Ragnar Haavelmo

Page: 370 - 382

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Effect of electric treatment on germination, seedling growth and water uptake in chickpea seed

*Kovind Nisar, Kumar Sangma and Singh Rani

Page: 383 - 392

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

A study of the impact of crude oil pollution on soil microbial community

*Okidia B. George, Orhonigbe G. H and Idedia Henry

Page: 393 - 400

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Effect of salinity and drought stresses on growth parameters, essential oil constituents and yield in peppermint

*Lech G. Polanski, Andrew Khanifar and Witold Tadeusz

Page: 356 - 361

African Journal of Agronomy