African Journal of Ecology and Ecosystems

ISSN 2756-3367

Table of Contents in 2016

Research Article

A case study of communal pasture management in the Highlands of Ethiopia

Sigmund E. Christpoher, Wolfgang H. Lauda and Joseph Otto Lamar*

Page: 216 - 233

African Journal of Ecology and Ecosystems

Research Article

Effects of climate mitigation on carbon stocks of Hanang forest, Tanzania

Jakaya Sumari Anna and Salma James Shija, Julius Bi kudude, Thomas O. Hasheem*

Page: 207 - 215

African Journal of Ecology and Ecosystems

Research Article

Ecological awareness of cultured colonies variation of A. terreus and environmental interactions in arid soils

Muqtada Al-Maliki*, Zainab Aziz Qausim and Saddam Hisham Saatchi

Page: 198 - 206

African Journal of Ecology and Ecosystems

Research Article

Vegetation community structure and diversity in swamps undergoing anthropogenic impacts in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

Augustino O. Onkware and Donald F. Otieno, Josephine M. Mulei

Page: 175 - 184

African Journal of Ecology and Ecosystems

Research Article

Mutational Spectrum of β-Thalassaemia of Northern part of Odisha, India

Nibarana Satapathy, Bisnu Prasad Dash

Page: 170 - 174

African Journal of Ecology and Ecosystems


Importance of wetland resources, their threats and the need to protect them

Ekene Gabriel Anthony and O. B. Nathaniel, Chukwuma B. Eze*

Page: 185 - 197

African Journal of Ecology and Ecosystems