African Journal of Fisheries Science

ISSN 2375-0715

Table of Contents in 2013

Research Article

Small-holder aquaculture and Water bodies Contribution to poverty mitigation and enhancing household food security in Zambia

Jacquline Tembo, Sithole Hubber and Phiri H. Milner

Page: 45 - 51

African Journal of Fisheries Science

Research Article

The contrast between total cholesterol and cholesterol type of cultured rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1972) and brook trouts (Salvelinus fontinalis, Mitchill, 1815) cultivated in the same wat

Arık Halit and Kazım Ozcan, Sergio D. Hasan

Page: 42 - 45

African Journal of Fisheries Science

Research Article

Fish feeding routine in Anwai stream ichthyofauna, Niger-Delta

Ephiede J Adebisi, Adetarami Dudusola and Akinlade S. Temenu

Page: 34 - 41

African Journal of Fisheries Science

Research Article

Sperm Quality and reproductive performance of male Clarias Gariepinus induced with synthetic hormones (Ovatide and Ovaprim)

Adetarami Dudusola and Akinlade S. Temenu, Ephiede J Adebisi

Page: 28 - 33

African Journal of Fisheries Science

Research Article

Genetic diversity evaluation of Paraschistura bampurensis (Nikolskii, 1900) in Shapour and Berim Rivers (Iran) using microsatellite markers

Ali Shabani, Ghasem Askari*

Page: 11 - 15

African Journal of Fisheries Science

Research Article

Polyculture of seabass with tilapia for the utilization of brown fields in the coastal areas of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

A. K. M. Ruhul Amin Sarker and Nani Gopal Das, Md. Mostafa Monwar*

Page: 23 - 27

African Journal of Fisheries Science

Research Article

Training needs of the freshwater fish growers in Assam, India

Jyotish Barman, Uttam Kumar Baruah*, Hitu Choudhury and Popiha Bordoloi

Page: 5 - 10

African Journal of Fisheries Science

Research Article

Comparison of experimentally elaborated food from regionally available products with commercial foods of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the Mexican highlands

Hipólito Muñoz Nava and Salvador Morales Moreno, Rosario Rivera Meneses, Juan Suárez Sánchez*, Johannes C. Van der Wal, Luz del Carmen Pérez González

Page: 18 - 22

African Journal of Fisheries Science

Short Communication

An epizootic of Ichthyophthiriasis among fishes in Armand River, Iran

Mohammad Ali Goudarzi, Hamid Reza Sohrabi and Mojtaba Rashedi, Mehdi Raissy*, Manouchehr Moumeni, Mahsa Ansari

Page: 16 - 17

African Journal of Fisheries Science

Research Article

Study on temporal variation of internal fish parasites in Lake Zwai, Ethiopia

Hirpo LA

Page: 1 - 4

African Journal of Fisheries Science