African Journal of Plant Breeding

ISSN 2375-074X

Table of Contents in 2018

Research Article

Transformation of chickpea lines with Cry1X using in planta transformation and characterization of putative transformants T1 lines for molecular and biochemical characters

Amrita Raja Vinod Kumar and Udayakumar Makarla, K. N., Asharani , B. M., Ganeshaiah

Page: 1 - 11

African Journal of Plant Breeding

Research Article

Estimation of genetic divergence among some cotton varieties by RAPD analysis

A. Sindhu, L. Chaudhary*, M. Kumar, R. Kumar and M. Saini

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Plant Breeding

Research Article

Genetic and environmental correlations between bean yield and agronomic traits in Coffea canephora

Anim-Kwapong Esther*, Boamah Adomako

Page: 1 - 9

African Journal of Plant Breeding

Research Article

Correlation and path coefficient analyses in sunflower

Shubhra Singh, Abrar B. Yasin*

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Plant Breeding

Research Article

Cry 1Ac levels and biochemical variations in Bt cotton as influenced by tissue maturity and senescence

S. Poongothai*, R. Ilavarasan and C. M. Karrunakaran

Page: 1 - 8

African Journal of Plant Breeding

Short Communication

Molecular markers for Capsicum frutescens varieties cultivated in Borneo

H. K. Tam, K. F. Rodrigues

Page: 1 - 3

African Journal of Plant Breeding

Short Communication

Tn5 tagging biomonitoring of Rhizobium inoculants

T. Neeraj*, Sachin S. S. Gaurav and S. C. Chatterjee

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Plant Breeding

Research Article

Multivariate analysis of genetic divergence in twenty two genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

Makinde S.C.O*, Omolayo Johnson Ariyo

Page: 1 - 13

African Journal of Plant Breeding

Research Article

Structural features of a cytoplasmic male sterility source from Helianthus resinosus, CMS RES1

* R. Rios and R. H. Rodríguez, M. M. Echeverría, F. Ardila

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Plant Breeding

Research Article

Development and use of microsatellites markers for genetic variation analysis, in the Namibian germplasm, both within and between populations of marama bean (Tylosema esculentum)

P. M. Chimwamurombe*, E. Nepolo, A. C. Cullis, M. Takundwa, M. A. Kandawa-Schulz and K. Kunert

Page: 1 - 11

African Journal of Plant Breeding

Research Article

Screening of superior chickpea genotypes for various environments of Iran using genotype plus genotype × environment (GGE) biplot analysis

Hamid Dehghani and Morteza kamrani, Asghar Ebadi segherloo*, Sayyed Hossain Sabaghpour

Page: 1 - 7

African Journal of Plant Breeding