African Journal of Soil Science

ISSN 2375-088X

Table of Contents in 2014

Research Article

Floristic composition, life form and leaf spectra of plant communities recorded at Sarsawa hills district Kotli, Azad Kashmir

Ashfaq Nazir, Riffat Naseem Malik and Hamayun Shaheen

Page: 77 - 78

African Journal of Soil Science

Research Article

A digital soil textural class determination from the percentages of silt and clay

D.T. Akomolafe, F. O. Adekayode

Page: 72 - 76

African Journal of Soil Science

Research Article

Use of green manure legume cover crops in smallholder maize production systems in Limpopo province, South Africa

Kaiser Cedric

Page: 63 - 67

African Journal of Soil Science

Research Article

Assessment of the use of herbicide (Imazapyr) and fertilizer relevance in integrated management of Striga asiatica in maize in Malawi

Masawi Samaz, Derren Matarauka

Page: 68 - 71

African Journal of Soil Science

Research Article

Genotype difference in grain yield response to basal N fertilizer supply among various rice cultivars

Zelene Wang, Kihinet K. Huang and Xue Xiaoyue

Page: 52 - 57

African Journal of Soil Science

Research Article

Assessment of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) as green manure in Aegean conditions in terms of soil nutriton under dıfferent sowıng dates

e , Kurt Balta, Tamer K. Ak

Page: 58 - 62

African Journal of Soil Science

Research Article

Effects of land use on soil nutrient concentration and fertility using Geospatial technology

F.O. Adekayode

Page: 45 - 51

African Journal of Soil Science