African Journal of Agribusiness Research

ISSN 2375-091X

Table of Contents in 2015

Research Article

Long-term effects of different burning frequencies on the dry savannah grassland in South Africa

Johan Mackson Sambo and Dube Sikhalazo, Fatunbi Abiodun Oluwole

Page: 1 - 7

African Journal of Agribusiness Research

Research Article

Tillage system and genotype effects on rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) productivity in semi-arid Zimbabwe

W. Gwenzi, M. Taru2, Z. Mutema, J. Gotosa* and S. M. Mushiri

Page: 1 - 10

African Journal of Agribusiness Research

Research Article

Influence of stocking rate on herbage production, steers livemass gain and carcass price on semi-arid sweet bushveld in Southern Botswana

W. N. Mphinyane*G. Tacheba, S. Mangope and J. Makore

Page: 1 - 7

African Journal of Agribusiness Research

Research Article

Growth and evapotranspiration of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in a transitional humid zone of Nigeria

A. Gbadegesin and S. S. Jagtap, P. A Idinoba, M. E. Idinoba*

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Agribusiness Research

Research Article

Enhancing off-season yam production in Nigeria

R. Fashola and R. Asiedu, H. Shiwachi*, H. Kikuno

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Agribusiness Research


Economical advantage of trees integration in orchards

*Rahul V. Basu, Kaushik Ghose and Aung Sen Sharma

Page: 173 - 175

African Journal of Agribusiness Research

Research Article

Economic importance of the endemic Sumatran lowland dipterocarp tree species (Shorea javanica)

*Akira Hiroshi, Yoshihiro Nakai and Gaku P. Hasegawa

Page: 163 - 172

African Journal of Agribusiness Research

Research Article

A survey on the economic and demographic determinants of migration and receipt of remittances in rural Nigeria

Adesuwa T. Bola

Page: 156 - 162

African Journal of Agribusiness Research

Research Article

Slash and burn effects on microbial soil in Ondo, Nigeria

Adesuwa T. Bola

Page: 149 - 155

African Journal of Agribusiness Research

Research Article

Stakeholder demands to determine the communication gaps and problems in Zangros Forest

Bahar Mahmoud Aghashloo

Page: 143 - 148

African Journal of Agribusiness Research


Wide spread of insufficient Energy supply in developing and under developed countries

Shen Robin Ziqing

Page: 130 - 142

African Journal of Agribusiness Research

Research Article

Climatic change on the status of silvo-agriculture species in Mahottary district, Nepal

Surya Dhakal and Gyanendra Subedi, *Madhav Ruat Kumar

Page: 123 - 129

African Journal of Agribusiness Research