African Journal of Virology Research

ISSN 2756-3413

Table of Contents in 2011

Research Article

Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of Gmelina arborea fruit extracts

Alagwa D. Kenneth*, Imemesiri Friday and David West

Page: 1 - 6

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Microbial evaluation of some non-sterile pharmaceutical preparations commonly used at Al-khoms Market, Libya

Tamalli M, Bioprabhu Sangar and Alghazal M.A., M.A.B. Gamal

Page: 1 - 6

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Effect of composts or vermicomposts on sorghum growth and mycorrhizal colonization

B. Hameeda, O.P. Rupela and Gopal Reddy*, G. Harini

Page: 1 - 4

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Microorganisms associated with the preparation of plantain pudding in Western Nigeria

K. , Ogiehor , S. I. and Uwabor, R. E., I. B., Ohenhen , Enweani

Page: 1 - 4

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Evaluation of hydrogen sulphide test for detection of fecal coliform contamination in drinking water from various sources

P. N. Rajankar and S. S. Deshmukh, D. H. Tambekar*, N. B. Hirulkar, S. R.Gulhane

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Evaluation of ogi liquor from different grains for antibacterial activities against some common diarrhoeal bacteria in Southwest Nigeria

T. T.*, A. O. and Ihunweze, Adebolu , Olodun , B. C.

Page: 1 - 4

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Analysis of bacterial strains from contaminated and non-contaminated sites for the production of biopolymers

Nighat Naheed and Shahida Hasnain, M. Usman Arshad, Nazia Jamil*

Page: 1 - 7

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Proximate and microbial analyses of burukutu and pito produced in Ilorin, Nigeria

Kolawole , R. M. O. and Akinduyo, B. , O. M.*, Kayode

Page: 1 - 4

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Seroprevalence of foot and mouth disease in Bench Maji zone,Southwestern Ethiopia

Tsegalem Abera and Kassahun Asmare, Esayas Gelaye*, Gelagay Ayelet

Page: 1 - 6

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Production and application of glucose-fructose oxidoreductase for conversion of pineapple juice sugars

Y. A. Yusof and K. D. Kulbe, M. G. Aziz*

Page: 1 - 7

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Antibiotic activity of bacterial isolates associated with entomopathogenic nematodes

Yan-Qun Liu, Huan Wang, Li Qin, Hui Dong, Bin Cong* and Tian-Lai Li*

Page: 1 - 7

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Improve lipid production by pH shifted-strategy in batch culture of Chlorella protothecoides

Jianghong Tang and Quanfan Zhou, Guobin Liang, Yiwei Mo*

Page: 1 - 9

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate production from methanol by Methylosinus trichosporium IMV3011 in the non-sterilized fed-batch fermentation

Weibao Kong and Chungu Xia*, Jiaying Xin, Hao Song, Yingxin Zhang

Page: 1 - 8

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Isolation and molecular detection of Plesiomonas shigelloides containing tetA gene from Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus) in a Korean aquarium

Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jin Woo Jun, Sang Phil Shin, Ji Hyung Kim, Jee Eun Han, Dal Sang Jeong and Se Chang Park*

Page: 1 - 3

African Journal of Virology Research

Research Article

Biodegradation of low density polyethylene (LDPE) by fungi isolated from marine water–a SEM analysis

K. Vijaya Ramesh*, R. Pramila

Page: 1 - 6

African Journal of Virology Research