African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry

ISSN 2375-0979

Table of Contents in 2013

Research Article

Soil seed banks of a rangeland area White Nile State, Sudan

a and M. A. El Nour, A. K. Elsafori, A. N. Guma

Page: 63 - 69

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry

Research Article

Homogeneous light in shade-house experiment overestimates carbon gains in Norway maple seedlings

Christian Messier and Jacques Brisson, Bastien Fontaine, Alain Paquette

Page: 84 - 87

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry

Research Article

Genetic diversity and population structure of 151 Cymbidium sinense cultivars

Junjun Liu and Huizhong Wang, Jiangjie Lu, Xu Hu

Page: 88 - 97

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry


Agroforestry practices and concepts in sustainable land use systems in Nigeria

J. S. and Shuaibu, R. B., Alao

Page: 39 - 41

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry

Research Article

Comparative assessment of floristic diversity in a buffer zone community forest and a community forest of Barandabhar Corridor, Chitwan, Nepal

Gandhiv Kafle and Jay N. Yadava, Rishi Ram Dhakal

Page: 49 - 54

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry

Research Article

Effect of methyl bromide alternatives on seedling quality, nematodes and pathogenic soil fungi at the Jesup and Glennville Nurseries in Georgia: 2007 to 2008

S. A. Enebak, T. E. Starkey and M. Quicke

Page: 55 - 62

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry

Research Article

Effect of methyl bromide alternatives on seedling quality, nematodes and soilborne fungi at the Blenheim and Trenton nurseries in South Carolina: 2008 to 2009

M. Quicke, S. A. Enebak T. E. Starkey

Page: 26 - 31

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry

Research Article

Effects of three pre-treatment techniques on dormancy and germination of seeds of Afzelia africana (Sm. Ex pers)

T. O., Amusa

Page: 77 - 83

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry


Will afforestation in temperate zones warm the Earth?

David B. South, Xuhui Lee and Michael G. Messina

Page: 45 - 48

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry


Contribution of forests to achieving the millennium development goals

Ofuoku A. U., Agbogidi O. M.

Page: 42 - 44

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry

Research Article

Dormancy breaking of gladiolus cv. Jester for the mid hills of Nepal

Ajaya Shree Ratna Bajracharya, Sharmila Piya, Jawahar Lal Mandal and Banhu

Page: 5 - 10

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry

Research Article

Constraints encountered by teak growers in adoption of teak cultivation practices

U. R. Chinchamalatpure, A. S. Khandagale, H. K. Deshmukh and V. S. Gawali, Y. B. Taide

Page: 1 - 4

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry