International Journal of Adult and Continuing Education

Table of Contents in 2018

Short Communication

Attitude of students and parents towards the teaching of sex education in secondary schools in Cross Rivers State

Ogunjimi , L.O.

Page: 1 - 3

International Journal of Adult and Continuing Education

Research Article

Using action research to develop deep learning outcomes within a preservice teacher education context

Ray Debus, Jane Dillon, xMichael Arthur-Kelly, Christopher Gordon

Page: 1 - 10

International Journal of Adult and Continuing Education


Ensuring quality during monitoring of the learning environment of government primary schools achieved through the UEI-PDP for teachers and head teachers

Margaret Madden and Ismail Saad, Fehmida Goderya-Shaikh

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Adult and Continuing Education


Focusing crimes of honour through drama

Dennis Beach, Girma Berhanu

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Adult and Continuing Education

Research Article

Academic achievements of children in immigrant families

Wen-Jui Han

Page: 1 - 33

International Journal of Adult and Continuing Education

Research Article

Teaching in Higher Education: A personal account seen through a perspective of “otherness” at a Swedish University

Girma Berhanu

Page: 1 - 14

International Journal of Adult and Continuing Education