International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

ISSN 2167-0447

Table of Contents in 2015

Research Article

Effect of nitrogen rates on the growth and yield of three rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties in rain-fed lowland in the forest agro-ecological zone of Ghana

Buri Mohammed Moro*, Issaka Roland Nuhu, Essien Ato and Biney Nathanial

Page: 878 - 885

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Effect of different physical treatments on antioxidant activity of jenny milk

Carlo Cosentino, Salvatore Naturali and Freschi Pierangelo, Mauro Musto, Cristiana Labella, Rosanna Paolino

Page: 874 - 877

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Socioeconomic assessment of wheat varieties and the adoption of recommended technologies in North Jordan

Dr. Yahya Shakhatreh, Dr. Masnat Al Hiary, Eng. Yahya Bani Khalaf and Eng. Maysoon Ababneh

Page: 864 - 873

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Efficiency of contour bunds in controlling soil and nutrient losses from major agricultural land-use types in the Lake Victoria Catchment

Magunda Matthias K, Semalulu Onesmus and Rusoke Charles, Tenywa Makooma Moses, Majaliwa Mwanjalolo Jackson Gilbert

Page: 854 - 863

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

The effectiveness of wood vinegar in controlling Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in green house-cucumber

Abolfazl Sarpeleh, Hassan Askary* and Flora Rafiei, Mahin Saberi

Page: 849 - 853

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Genotypes and fertilization influence on grain yield of winter maize

B.H. Adhikary, J. Shrestha and R. Adhikary, B.R. Baral

Page: 844 - 848

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Evaluation of farming practices and environmental pollution in Manyara basin, Tanzania

Mizengo G. Garang and Yoweri Membe, *Jakaya Kikiwete

Page: 864 - 877

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences


Africa’s Challenge in the 21st Century – Food Security

Iyasere Eguono

Page: 812 - 817

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Evaluation of phenotypic and genetic parameters for ewe production traits of Lohi sheep in Pakistan

Omar S.U*, Bobra S.L

Page: 820 - 823

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences


A look at Cassava production in Nigeria

Iyasere Eguono

Page: 818 - 819

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Evaluation performance of irrigation water management: A case study of Karacabey irrigation scheme in Turkey

Ali Osman Demir, Hayrettin Kuscu* Filiz Eren Bölüktepe

Page: 824 - 831

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

An overview of Agricultural sustainability in Northern Nigeria

Tonukari Ochuko

Page: 819 - 821

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Impact of irrigation regimes and polymer on dry matter yield and different physiological traits of forage sorghum var ‘Speedfeed’

Mansour Fazeli Rostampour

Page: 838 - 843

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences


Charting the agricultural land of South America

Damian Nathaniel

Page: 809 - 811

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Effect of kitchen wastewater irrigation on soil properties and growth of cucumber (Cucumis sativus)

O. E, O. O and Onofua, D. O, Onigbogi , T. P* Awe, G. O, Abegunrin , Idowu

Page: 832 - 837

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

How to cultivate an ecological farmer

Damian Nathaniel

Page: 796 - 806

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences


A brief survey of Agricultural Development in Nigeria

Iyasere Harriet, Oghale Egbabor

Page: 793 - 795

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences


Genetic manipulation for the nutritional fortification of quality protein maize (QPM)

Mautya S.M and Khantu M.O, Charaka A.S

Page: 784 - 792

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences


An Interview with Agroecologist Jairo Restrepo

Damian Nathaniel

Page: 807 - 808

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Recognition and separation of home-grown non-Basmati aromatic rice genotypes of India using microsatellite markers

Shah D. Ravi and Amitab Rukh, *Amartya V. Shankar

Page: 758 - 763

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Pollen isolation technique involving interspecific hybridization in eucalyptus

Shah D. Ravi

Page: 743 - 747

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Effect of processing on phytic acid content and nutrient availability in food grains

Mahesh S, Pavithra GJ, Parvathi MS, Rajashekara Reddy and Shankar AG*

Page: 771 - 777

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

An assessment of the effect of pre-harvest treatments on the cellulase activity and quality of ber fruit under cold storage conditions

*Amartya V. Shankar, Shah D. Ravi and Amitab Rukh

Page: 735 - 738

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

A study on the contribution of plant species in homestead farms, to food security and sustainability in Ebonyi state – South eastern Nigeria

J. B. Essien, J. U. Ogbu, B. A. Essien*, S. N. Okereke and M. U. Agunannah, J. C. Nwite

Page: 778 - 784

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

A study of the effects of shade on growth, production and quality of coffee (COFFEA ARABICA) in Ethiopia

*Negasso O. Imru, Mulatu D. Wogderess and Tamrat V. Gidada

Page: 748 - 752

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) plus trees: A Correlation studies

Shah D. Ravi and Amitab Rukh, *Amartya V. Shankar

Page: 739 - 742

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

WAB-450: A worthy donor of earliness and productivity traits for rice breeding programme under rainfed upland ecosystem

Jamsetji Sidharth Johar

Page: 682 - 684

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Evaluation of the performance and stability of genotype x environment interaction and stability analysis for yield and its components in lentil

Hassan ElBradei

Page: 671 - 675

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

An evaluation of genetic divergence and cluster analysis studies of different apple genotypes using D2 statistics

Amartya V. Shankar

Page: 721 - 724

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Floral characteristics and seed production in “Egusi” melon (Colocynthis citrullus L.)

Okorocha Eliot Emeka

Page: 607 - 609

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Yield parameters and firmness of soybean [Glycine max. (L.) merril] as influenced by phosphorus fertilizer rates in two ultisols

Unuajokwofia N. Pascal

Page: 636 - 644

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

A study on the intragenomic diversity and geographical adaptability of diploid cotton species revealed by cytogenetic studies

*Golshifteh R. Pedrad, Maz E. Karimloo and Nazanin Jobrani

Page: 725 - 729

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Studies on technology adoption on different extension methods for enhancing fruit production in District Pulwama of Jammu and Kashmir

Kapoor Singh Kumar

Page: 693 - 696

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Allelic data showing interconnectedness in rice species (Oryza sativa, Oryza glaberrima, Oryza barthii) and the interspecific hybrids (NERICA)

Ohwofasa George and Owumi P. Desmond, *Eregare D. K

Page: 651 - 657

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Evaluation of common bean genotypes for yield stability in (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the Sudan

Ahmed Salva al-Bashir

Page: 662 - 666

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

A study on the nature of gene action for yield and yield components in exotic genotypes of Italian millet [SETARIA ITALICA (L.) Beauv]

Jamsetji Sidharth Johar

Page: 667 - 670

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Outcome of nine cassava (MANIHOT ESCULANTA Crantz) clones across three environments

Kwame Rwalings Kotoka

Page: 631 - 635

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Up-scaling production of certified potato seed tubers in Kenya: Potential of aeroponics technology

William Karanja and Musalia Saitoti, *Musalia Awori

Page: 730 - 734

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

A study on segregation analysis of cry7Aa1 gene in F1 progenies of transgenic and non-transgenic sweetpotato crosses

Ralia karanja Mudavadi and Musalia Musyoka, *Mwai Odinga

Page: 658 - 661

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

A study of the effects of genotype, explant type and nutrient medium components on canola (Brassica napus L.) shoot in vitro organogenesis

*Golshifteh R. Pedrad, Maz E. Karimloo and Nazanin Jobrani

Page: 715 - 720

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Responses of yield on grain amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.) varieties to varying planting density and soil amendment

Oluwatonyi O. E

Page: 697 - 703

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Colonization of fish through artificial reefs in the Persian Gulf (Bandar Lengeh-Iran): Reef designs and seasonal changes of fish abundance

Javad Sadeghi and Andre Farahani, *Daryush Akbar Shokof

Page: 685 - 692

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Assessment of heterosis and features of gene activity for yield and its components in faba bean (VICIA FABA L.)

*Saad Ebeid, Hussein Zaghloul and Atef Pasha Sirri

Page: 676 - 681

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Direct and residual effect of rock phosphates on rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity and soil phosphorus status in Alfisols of Eastern Plateau of India

B. Bhattacharya, D. K. Bagchi and T. Chakraborty, P. K. Ghosal*

Page: 704 - 709

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Seasonal occurrence of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) and its associated natural enemies in major crucifer growing areas of Kenya

Moses G. Balala

Page: 610 - 615

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Determination of energy utilization and benefit -cost nalysis of cotton production in Turkey

*Kivanc E. Turan, Ahmet Z. Mehment and Orhan Kemal

Page: 710 - 714

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Deciding on pepper parent from a group of CAPSICUM ANNUUM landraces based on genetic diversity

Radhi Max sabry

Page: 627 - 630

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Agronomical assessment of six soybean cultivars employing correlation and regression analysis under dissimilar irrigation systems and conditions

Hosni Naguib Pasha

Page: 616 - 626

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

A study on genetic yield stability in some sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) hybrids under different environmental conditions of Sudan

Gaafar K. E and Salva Nimeiry, *Omar Al-Mirghani

Page: 504 - 508

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Drumstick (Moringa oleifera Lamk.) upgrading for semiarid and arid ecological unit: A study of environmental stability for yield


Page: 601 - 606

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Extent for use of indigenous specialty landraces, cultivars and basmati types in rice heterosis breeding

*Karam V. Mukerji, Dhirubhai Azad and Chandra Tata Johar

Page: 536 - 540

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Impact of Gibberellic acid and 2,4 - dichlorophenoxyacetic acid spray on fruit yield and quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

Aklilu M. Makonnen and Mikael T. Yimenu, *Hailu Dinka Kidan

Page: 551 - 558

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences


Selection of host behavior of aphid parasitoids (Aphidiidae: Hymenoptera)

Shoaib B. B, Abdul H. Kkan and Mohammed L. Malik, *Imram V. Akram

Page: 521 - 532

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

A study on the response of varied sowing dates on the yield and yield components of direct seeded fine rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Abdul H. Kkan and Mohammed L. Malik, Shoaib B. B, *Imram V. Akram

Page: 533 - 535

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Improved UV-B radiation alters basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) increase and kindles the fusion of volatile oils

Elizabeth C. Emily and William T. George, *Richard G. Austen, Daniel H. F

Page: 509 - 512

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Analysis of the resistance to Phytophthora pod rot within local selections of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) for breeding purpose in Cameroon

Lious chanel Baudelaire

Page: 587 - 594

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Evaluation of contrasting gamma irradiations on barley (Hordeum vulgare spp.)

*Mahathir V. Ibrahim, Chef Boon Azman and Yasmin Tan Wan

Page: 513 - 516

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Diversity of genetic Cymbidium kanran detected by Polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) markers

Tsai Zhang Zetain

Page: 575 - 579

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Impact of heat treatment on polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase action in Algerian stored dates

*Rabah V. Ahlam, Cheb M. M, Khaled Mohammed and Yasmina Mami

Page: 517 - 520

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Evaluating the correlation between yield and yield components in sunflower under different planting dates

Mohammed Mahfouz Henedi

Page: 541 - 550

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Main component analysis of morphological traits in thirty-nine accessions of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in a rainfed lowland ecology of Nigeria

Adeyemi Anthony Kojibola

Page: 595 - 600

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

An investigation on the influence of intra-row spacing and variety on yield and shelf life of onion

Aklilu M. Makonnen and Mikael T. Yimenu, *Hailu Dinka Kidan

Page: 559 - 567

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

A study on genotype by surroundings interfaces for grain yield in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Potiphar Demis Chachine

Page: 568 - 574

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Selection of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) germpalsm against ascochyta blight [Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab.] correlation and combining ability analysis for different quantitative features

Salmaan Taseer Khalid

Page: 580 - 586

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Investigating the effect of storage time and growth regulator furolan on the contents of protein fraction composition and amino acids in winter wheat grain

Hannah Etta and Natali Nenco, *Essien Okon

Page: 435 - 452

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Bio-efficacy of triticonazole 8% pyraclostrobin 4% FS, pyraclostrobin 20% FS,triticonazole 2.5 % against loose smut of wheat

Rajan Selvakumar, MS Saharan, AK Sharma and Indu Sharma, DP Singh

Page: 492 - 493

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Seasonal variations in the mineral composition of some commercially important fish species of Lake Victoria- Tanzania

*Abdulkarim , B. L., Bwathondi , B. , P.O.J. and Benno

Page: 426 - 434

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Modelling of drying pattern of cassava chips at different air velocity and temperature using fluidizied bed dryer

Emuekele P. O., Famurewa J.A.V

Page: 461 - 471

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences


The effects of climate change on livestock production, current situation and future consideration

Addis Getu

Page: 494 - 499

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Determination of best-fitted regression model for prediction of body weight in attappady black goats

T.V. Raja, R. T. Venkatachalapathy, A. Kannan and K.A. Bindu

Page: 453 - 457

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Are quelea birds really a menace? Innovative use of indigenous knowledge systems in the harvesting and utilisation of quelea, Quelea quelea lathamii. in Hwange District of Matabeleland North Province

M. Dlamini and B. Sibanda, Canisius Mpala, P. Sibanda

Page: 476 - 486

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Evaluation of two plant extracts for the control of post harvest fungal diseases of cassava (Manihot esculenta crantz) in Calabar, Nigeria

Magdalene Obi-Abang, Nsor Odo Alobi, Arikpo Ikpi Okoi, Mike Omini Eko and Essien Archibong Okon

Page: 487 - 491

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Evaluation the effect of rooting media and hormonal concentrations (IBA) in three olive cultivars growing in SiwaOesis-Egypt

Yahia Ibrahem Mohamed

Page: 500 - 503

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on post-weaning body weight in rabbits

Rojan P.M., K.A. Bindu and T.V. Raja

Page: 458 - 460

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Co-crystals of agrochemical actives

Bhupinder Singh Sekhon

Page: 472 - 475

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Isolation and characterization of Rhizobium sp. from a wild legume from BGSBU campus of District Rajouri, J and K

Sheezan Rasool, Bharti Sharma and Sehreen Rasool

Page: 407 - 413

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Effect of water stress and fertilization on yield and quality of sugar beet under drip and sprinkler irrigation systems in sandy soil

M.I. Masri, B.S.B.Ramadan , A.M.A. El-Shafai and M.S. El-Kady

Page: 414 - 425

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Interactive effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the performance of Upland Rice (Oryza sativa l.) Cultivars

Saidu A*, Y. A. Abayomi

Page: 399 - 406

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Effects of some red Algae on antioxidant and phytochemical contents of Maize (Zea mays L.) plants

Safinaz A. Farfour* and Ragaa A. Hamouda, Mahmoud A. Al-Saman

Page: 393 - 398

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Omega-3 fatty acids composition and lipid content from liver and muscle tissues of Katsuwonus pelamis in the Chabahar Port in the south west of Iran

Abdolhossein Rustaiyan* and Zahra Nurtaj, Keivandokht Samiee

Page: 390 - 392

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Response of Grain Sorghum(Sorghum bicolor L.) Cultivars to different fertilizer levels under rainfed condition

P. Sujathamma, K. Kavitha and V. Suneetha

Page: 381 - 385

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Omega-3 fatty acids composition and lipid content from liver and muscle tissues of Sander lucioperca (Pike Perch) in the south of the Caspian Sea, Iran

Keivandokht Samiee and Mohammadali Mohammadi, Abdolhossein Rustaiyan

Page: 386 - 389

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Response of some rice cultivars to Abiotic stress

Mohammed U. A, Abubakar Z. A *, M.B. Abdullahi, Abdul Hameed. A, Jibo A. U

Page: 375 - 380

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Influences of rainfall on crop production and suggestions for adaptation

Francis Ndamani And Tsunemi Watanabe

Page: 367 - 374

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences