International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management

ISSN 2756-3804

Table of Contents in 2016

Research Article

Neural network approach for modeling the mass transfer of potato slices during osmotic dehydration using genetic algorithm

M. R. Amiryousefi*, M. Mohebbi

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management IJIWM/1049

Research Article

Investigation of different irrigation systems based on the parametric evaluation approach in Boneh Basht plain - Iran

Mohammad Albaji* and AbdAli Naseri, Saeed Boroomand Nasab

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management IJIWM/1048

Research Article

Effect of irrigation management on yield and quality of tomatoes grown in different soilless media in a glasshouse

Servet Tekin and Burcak Kapur, Gülendam Celikel, Attila Yazar, S. Metin Sezen*

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management IJIWM/1047

Research Article

Occurrence of ESCHERICHIA COLI O157 in a river used for fresh produce irrigation in Nigeria

V. N. Chigor*, V. J. Umoh and S. I. Smith

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management IJIWM/1046

Research Article

Effect of regulated irrigation water temperature on hydroponics production of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.)

C. P. Laubscher and P. A. Ndakidemi*, S. Nxawe

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management IJIWM/1045

Research Article

Interaction effects of deficit irrigation and row spacing on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) growth, seed yield and oil yield

Mohsen Edalat and Avat Shekoofa, Seyed Abdolreza Kazemeini*

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management IJIWM/1044

Research Article

Irrigation agriculture: An option for achieving the millennium development goals in Nigeria

E. O. Oriola

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management IJIWM/1042

Research Article

Determination of fruit and oil characteristics of olive (Olea europaea L. cv. ‘Gemlik’) in different irrigation and fertilization regimes

Derya Önder, Sermet Önder and Ercan Yıldız, Celil Toplu*

Page: 1 - 10

International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management IJIWM/1041

Research Article

An assessment of the roles of irrigation farming in the millennium development goals

Akinbode SO, Dauda T.O*, Asiribo OE, Saka JO and Salahu BF

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management IJIWM/1040

Research Article

Effects of different irrigation intervals and fertilizer applications on certain chemical contents of ‘Braeburn’ apple cultivar

Ferhan K. Sabir, Hüseyin Akgül and Kadir Uçgun, Adem Atasay, Ebru Kafkas*

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management

Research Article

Effect of different irrigation water level on cotton yield and yield components

Sermet Onder and Mehmet Mert, Yasar Akiscan, Derya Onder*

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management