International Journal of Law and Legal Studies

ISSN 2736-1608

Table of Contents in 2022

Research Article

Critical analysis of press freedom in Pakistan

Syed Abdul Siraj

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Law and Legal Studies

Research Article

Problems of land readjustment process in Turkey

Rahmi Erdem*, Mehmet Caglar Meshur

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Law and Legal Studies

Research Article

Business ethics for excellence in action: A view

Syed Abdul Malik*, Kastoori Srinivas

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Law and Legal Studies

Research Article

Group and associations in the governance process of states in Africa

Akpomuvire Mukoro

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Law and Legal Studies

Research Article

Effectiveness of boards of governors in curriculum implementation in secondary schools in Kenya

Jonah Nyaga Kindiki

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Law and Legal Studies

Research Article

Transformation of the South African health care system with regard to African traditional healers: The social effects of inclusion and regulation

Lefatshe Moagi

Page: 1 - 11

International Journal of Law and Legal Studies