International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

ISSN 2167-0404

Table of Contents in 2011

Case Report

Sublingual Neurilemmoma: A Case Report

Shashi Prakash S.K. Tiwary, Puneet , A.K. Khanna and Manjaree Mishra

Page: 1 - 3

International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

Research Article

Demographic Pattern And Severity of Caustic Injury in 300 Caustic Ingestion Patients

Hassan Peyvandi, Esmaeil Haji Nasrollah, Hadi Mirhashemi, Mehdi Ahmadi and Ghazal Hajinasrollah, Ali Khoshkar

Page: 11 - 13

International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

Short Communication

Model For Poverty Reduction in The Developing World

Yan Y. Chen RN, Devi E. Nampiaparampil, Megan Li, Abraham George and John C. Baird

Page: 20 - 22

International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

Research Article

Chlamydia Infection And Infertility: Any Relationship, The Lagos State University Teaching Hospital Experience

Akinola O.I, Babatunde A and Shakunle B, Tayo A.O, Ottun TA

Page: 17 - 19

International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences