International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics

ISSN 2756-3847

Table of Contents in 2021

Research Article

Epiphytic organisms on the pneumatophores of the mangrove Avicennia marina: occurrence and possible function

T. D. Steinke, F. D. Mann, Y. Naidoo*, A. Bhatt and S. Gairola

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics

Research Article

Effect of pre-sowing, temperature and light on the seed germination of Arnebia benthamii (Wall. ex G. Don): An endangered medicinal plant of Central Himalaya, India

R.K. Maikhuri* and Kusum Chauhan, L.S. Kandari, K.S. Rao

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics

Research Article

Assessment of status and biomass of Swertia angustifolia : a high value Himalayan medicinal plant

Anil K Bisht, R. S. Rawal and Uppeandra Dhar, Arvind Bhatt*

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics