International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

ISSN 2326-7291

Table of Contents in 2017

Research Article

Race-and sex-related differences in the incidence of coronary heart disease in the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiologic Follow-Up Study

Matthew Dutton, Oghenekome Onokpise, C Perry Brown, Rodrigue Pierre*, Charlotte Baker, Brian Hickey

Page: 373 - 382

International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Research Article

Socio-demographic and behaviour of obese people in the common of Tchamba (Togo)

Djagadou Kodjo Agbéko and Djibril Mohaman Awalou, Assane Hamadi, Balaka Abago, Tchamdja Toyi*

Page: 383 - 386

International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Research Article

Neurological disorder burden in Faisalabad, Punjab-Pakistan: Data from the major tertiary care centers of the city

André Marie*, Legrand d'Aussy, Martin Bouquet, Louis Thuillier and François Thuillier, Constant Duméril

Page: 363 - 372

International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Research Article

Chronic conditions and multimorbidity in the Swiss primary care population

Mohr Strambini, Marc Bastl, and Adrien Michel, Rosset Aeschlimann, Patrick Utzinger, Nikles Ivo, Mezzadri Ehrat*

Page: 350 - 362

International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Research Article

Prostate cancer screening knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs among men in Bamenda, Cameroon

Pierre Rodrigue, Rahman Saleh, Close Fran, Lamango Nazarius and Onokpise Oghenekome, Dutton Matthew, Kaninjing Ernest

Page: 339 - 349

International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Research Article

Factors contributing to non-compliance with treatment among tuberculosis patients-Kassala State- Sudan-2016

Mustafa Khidir Elnimeiri, Mohammed El-Muttalut*

Page: 332 - 338

International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Research Article

Environmental factors affecting the occurrence of autistic disorder

Donald A. Ford*, Bryan Ben Bruce and Michael K. Handler, Jordan D. Sparks

Page: 318 - 331

International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Research Article

Performance of wastewater stabilization ponds in treatment of endocrine disrupting estrogens in Morogoro urban and peri-urban, Tanzania

Robinson H Mdegela, Bjarne Styrishave, Sijaona Cassian Msigala*, Faith P Mabiki

Page: 305 - 317

International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology