International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

ISSN 2326-7267

Table of Contents in 2020

Research Article

Chemical composition and antioxidant, antimicrobial, antispasmodic activities of the essential oil of Thymus Fallax Fisch. Mey

Senay Akkus Cetinus, Nedim Durmus, Ahmet Alim, Ismihan Goze*, Nilufer Vural and Hamdi Murat Goze

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Short Communication

Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory activity of leaves of Rivea hypocrateriformis

V. B. Patel and A. K. Saluja, J. M. Patel 1, M. R. Brahmbhatt*

Page: 1 - 3

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Hypotensive effects of 3, 4- dihydroxybenzyaldehyde isolated from the stem bark of Musanga cecropioides

E.K.I. Omogbai and D.N. Onwukaeme, B.A. Ayinde*

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Pharmacognostic study of male leaves of Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. with special emphasis on microscopic technique

Saurabh Singh, Lalit Machawal* and M. G. Chauhan

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Argyreia speciosa Linn. f. : Phytochemistry, pharmacognosy and pharmacological studies

S. S. Khadabadi, U. A. Deokate, I. A. Farooqui, Ashish J. Modi*, S. L. Deore and M. R. Gangwani

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

In vitro evidence of anti-infective activity of crude aqueous extract obtained by boiling ripe stem-bark of Bridelia ferruginea Benth

O. E. Adebiyi and A. N. Odikagbue, O. A. Oluwatoba, H. O. Dada-Adegbola*

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Physico-chemical analysis of XIMENIA AMERICANA.L seed oil and structure elucidation of some chemical constituents of its seed oil and fruit pulp

R. S. M. Bashier, A. E. M. Saeed*

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

TLC phytochemical screening in some Nigerian Loranthaceae

O. M. Wahab, A. E. Ayodele* and J. O. Moody

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Acylated triterpenoidal saponins and cytokinins from Gleditsia aquatica

Mohammed Hosny, Hazem A. Kadry and Hassan A. Ammar, Ehab A. Ragab*

Page: 1 - 10

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Pharmacological and toxicological evaluation of Rhizophora mangle L., as a potential antiulcerogenic drug: Chemical composition of active extract

Caden Souccar, Arturo Escobar, Luz María Sánchez Perera*, Ma. Antonia Remigio and Betty Mancebo

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Bioautographic determination of the antistaphylococcal components of the stem bark of Parkia biglobosa (JACQ) BENTH (MIMOSACEAE)

Udobi Chinweizu Ejikeme*, Onaolapo Ademola Josiah and Abdulsalaam I. A

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Chemical composition and immunological activities of polysaccharides isolated from the malian medicinal plant Syzygium guineense

Marit Inngjerdingen* and Berit Smestad Paulsen, Tom Erik Grønhaug, Terje Einar Michaelsen, Anders Rusten, Parakashtha Ghildyal, Drissa Diallo, Mona Skogsrud, Bent Rolstad

Page: 1 - 10

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Analyses of antisickling potency of Carica papaya dried leaf extract and fractions

Ngozi Awa Imaga*, Olusegun A. Adepoju

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

In vitro assessments of antibacterial potential of Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari. gum extract

Kalpesh B. Ishnava, Yogesh N. Mahida and J. S. S. Mohan*

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Antimicrobial properties of protein extracts from wild mushroom fungi and native plant species against hospital pathogens

Graham McCollum, John E. Moore and Juluri R. Rao*, Linda M. Ballard, B. Cherie Millar, Michael Hearst, Sara Moore, Stephen McClean, David Nelson

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Effects of the aqueous extract of Ficus capensis Thunb. (Moraceae) leaf on gastrointestinal motility

O. J. Owolabi, B. A. Ayinde*

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Hypoglycemic effect of Basella rubra in streptozotocin – induced diabetic albino rats

A. Nirmala*, H. R. Vasanthi and G. Lalitha, S. Saroja

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Pharmacognostical and phytochemical investigations of Moringa concanensis (Moringaceae) an ethno medicine of Nilgiris

V. Ravichandran*, G. Arunachalam, N.Subramanian and B.Suresh

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Antioxidant potential of aqueous leaf extract of Ageratum conyzoides Linn. in diabetic rats

Nyunaï Nyemb*, Manguelle-Dicoum Biyong Adèle, Njifutié Njikam and Abdennebi El Hassane

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Immunomodulatory activity of fruits of Randia dumetorum Lamk

K. L. Satpute, Y. S. Katare, Rukhsana Rub and A. R. Bafna, M. J. Patil*, R. S. Karodi, M. M. Jadhav

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Effects of aqueous leaf extract of Cajanus cajan on litter size and serum progesterone in pregnant rats

Olusegun Rabiu Jimoh, Ibiyemi Olatunji-Bello, Olaide Ghazal and Martins Ighodalo, Ayodele Olufemi Soladoye, Luqman Aribidesi Olayaki*

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Formulation of health drinks using natural sweetener, its HPTLC method development and validation

V. R. Salunkhe*, S. B. Bhise

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Phytochemical and phytotherapeutic evaluation of Mallotus peltatus (Geist.) Muell. Arg. var acuminatus and Alstonia macrophylla wall ex A. DC: Two ethno medicine of Andaman Islands, India

Paromita Bag and D.Chattopadhyay, G. Arunachalam*

Page: 1 - 13

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

New and sensitive spectrophotometric method for determination of xipamide in pure and dosage forms by complexation with Fe(III), Cu(II), La(III), UO2(II), Th(IV) and ZrO(II) ions

Mohamed Gaber, Ahmed S. El-Kady, Abdalla M. Khedr*

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Phytochemical and antimicrobial activity of petroleum ether extract of the African Mistletoe (Loranthus micranthus Linn) leaves

N. Emeka, *Nwankwo , Egbuonu A.C. Cemaluk

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Medication errors associated to notification of drug allergies: Effect of computerized order entry on their prevention

Manuel Vélez, Yolanda Larrubia, Rodolfo Álvarez-Sala, Elena Villamañán, Alicia Herrero, Marta Gallego, Margarita Ruano

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Making aquatic weed as potential feed for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) and its impact on fatty acid profile

Mukti Pada Bag, Subhas Chandra Mahapatra, Pavuluri Srinivasa Rao, Debajyoti Chakrabarty

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Elemental analysis and Anti-microbial potentials of the leaf extract of Cassia arereh Del

Olajide Olutayo, Fatokun Olakunle and Edah A. O, Adeyanju Olusola*, Afolayan Michael

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of mixed ligand complexes of Co (II) and Cu (II) with N, O/S donor ligands and amino acids

Alka Choudhary, Renu Sharma and Meena Nagar*

Page: 1 - 16

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Pharmacoepidemiology of psychoactive medication in adult patients in the psychiatric department of Durango General Hospital

Ismael Lares- Asseff, Edgar Cano-Torres*, Carlos Galaviz-Hernández, Verónica Loera Castañeda, Alexis Lares López, Martha Sosa- Macías, Alberto Allegre-Alonso, Carlos Salas Hernández

Page: 1 - 10

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Antihypertensive effect of an aqueous extract of CITRUS AURANTIFOLIA (Rutaceae) (Christm.) Swingle, on the arterial blood pressure of mammal

A. Souza*, M. Boukandou Mounanga and B. M’Batchi., R. R. R. Aworet Samseny, B. Ibrahim, M. Lamidi

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

In vitro antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic activity of three Bangladeshi Bridelia species

Mohammad R. Haque, Adeeba Anjum, Md. Ekramul Haque and Mohammad A. Rashid, Choudhury M. Hasan, Mohammad S. Rahman, *

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Modulatory effect of sweet almond extract on serum lipids, lipid peroxidation and histology of pancreas in alloxan-induced diabetic rats

Bassey E.I*, I.L , Etim O.E, Udonkang , Etim , I. E and Jackson, I.C , Ita , S.O

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology


Peptide nucleic acid: Current perspectives and application for future therapeutics

Manoj G Tyagi

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Computational simulations integrating inhibition kinetics of tyrosinase by oxalic acid

Shang-Jun Yin, Jun-Mo Yang, Yue-Xiu Si, Hae Young Chung, Li Yan, Zhi-Jiang Wang, Daeui Park, *Guo-Ying Qian and *Yong-Doo Park

Page: 1 - 11

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Arterial oxygen saturation and heart rate during a meal in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

*Roberto Oliveira Dantas, Rachel de Aguiar Cassiani, Carla Manfredi dos Santos, José Antonio Baddini Martinez

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Thermosensitive poloxamer-based injectables as controlled drug release platforms for veterinary use: Development and in-vitro evaluation

Grau R., Bermudez J.M*

Page: 1 - 10

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Comparative study between effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers on acetic acid- induced ulcerative colitis in rats

Azza H. El-Medany, Hanan H. Hagar, Jamila H.El-Medany and Azza M Baraka, Aida A. Guemei

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

The comparative effects of chronic consumption of kola nut (COLA NITIDA) and caffeine diets on exploration, anxiety and fear in Swiss white mice

Elizabeth. B. Umoren*, E. E. Osim and P. B. Udoh

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Preliminary toxicity and phytochemical studies of the aqueous extract of Ficus platyphylla in female albino rats

Shaibu O. Bello, Oguejiofor M. Ugwah and Raymond U. Okolo, Vincent U. Igbokwe, Emmanuel U. Etuk, Chinenye J. Ugwah-Oguejiofor*

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Patterns of prescription of antimicrobial agents in the department of otorhinolaryngology in a tertiary care teaching hospital

Farhan Ahmad Khan*, Sheikh Nizamuddin and Mohammad Tariq Salman

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Comparing the efficacy of alcohol isopropyl and ethanol on the reduction of contamination of medical check-up devices in children ward and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)

Jokar A*, Mohebbi Z.

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Effectiveness of phytogenic fly repellant product against dipteran flies

GM. Chghure, K , Ravikanth and S. Maini*, S.T. Kalwaghe, B. W. Naraladker, B.S. Khillare

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects of dried root ethanolic extract of Strophanthus sarmentosus p. Dc (apocynaceae)

Esther O. Agbaje, Oluwole A. Ajidahun

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Preparation and evaluation of polymer-clay nanocomposite as an adjuvant in pharmaceutical formulas of tablets containing drugs with low water-solubility

Luciano A. M. Grillo, Flávia A. do Carmo, and Camila B. Dornelas*, Arídio M. Júnior, Ailton de S. Gomes, Maria Inês B. Tavares, Lúcio M. Cabral

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Formulation development, optimization and evaluation of once a day occuserts of brimonidine tartrate

Manish P. Patel, Dipti H. Patel*, Madhabhai M. Patel

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Impact of a community pharmacist-based diabetes management program on clinical outcomes measures

Lee Y.L, Syed A.S.S, Syed W.G*, Rosnani H, Yelly O.S and Usman H.U

Page: 1 - 10

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Ethil-cyanoacrylate use for skin closure in patients subjected to laparoscopic cholecystectomy

*Carlos Henrique Marques dos Santos, Fernando Bezerra Márcio Matos, Lenin Lima Rodrigues

Page: 1 - 3

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

The effect of aqueous seed extract of persea americana (avocado pear) on serum lipid and cholesterol levels in rabbits

Braide. W, *Nwaoguikpe. R . N

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Effect of crude extracts of blighia unijugata on histology of the liver and kidney of adult wistar rats

Aquaisua N. Aquaisua, Bassey M. Ikpeme and Enobong I. Bassey, Rosemary B. Bassey*

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Inactivated autogenous vaccine associated with hemotherapy and application of Thuya occidentalis in the homeopathic treatment of canine oral papillomatosis - a case report

Dra. Rachel Siqueira de Queiroz Simões Marins1*

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Clinicopathologic and epithelial regression study in cutaneous warts of bovines infected by papillomavirus

Rachel Siqueira de Queiroz Simões Marins1*; Prof. Carlos Eurico Pires Ferreira2

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology


Antitubercular drug discovery: the molecular modification as promise tool

Thais Regina Ferreira de Melo, Luiz Antonio Dutra, Chung Man Chin and Jean Leandro dos Santos

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Antimicrobial activity of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) oil against microbes of environmental, clinical and food origin

Vidya Singh, Raj Karan Singh and N. Ebibeni, Bhoj Raj Singh*

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Testicular toxicity of B-success herbal supplement in male albino rats

Orish .E. Orisakwe*, Afonne Onyenmechi Johnson, Ejeatuluchukwu Obi

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Screening of Annona squamosa extracts for antibacterial activity against some respiratory tract isolates

*M. Yusha’u, D. W. Taura, B. Bello, N. Abdullahi

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Effect of ethanolic extract of ANACARDIUM OCCIDENTALE leaves on haematological and biochemical parameters of albino rats

Dauda B.E.N and Ogbadoyi E.O., Saidu A.N, Akanya H.O

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Pharmacological justification for the ethnomedical use of Datura Stramonium stem-bark extract in treatment of diseases caused by some pathogenic bacteria

and A. B. Liman, M. H. Shagal*, U.U. Modibbo

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Evaluation of response to loading doses of clopidogrel therapy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)

*Manal El-Hamamsy, Kheria Saade, Ahmed Magdy Mohamed, Mona Hamdy

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Quality assessment of three imidazole antiparasitics (albendazole, mebendazole and metronidazole) sold in Benin

Hélène Ahouandjinou, Loconon Achille Yemoa, Ahmed Amoussa, Roland Marini Djang’eing’a and Farid Baba-moussa¬, Jacob Bonou

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Identification and spectrophometric determination of hydroquinone levels in some cosmetic creams

P. O. Odumosu*, T. O. Ekwe

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Anti-helicobacter pylori and protective effects of aqueous Fumaria vaillantii L extract in pylorus -ligated, indomethacin- and toxic-induced ulcers in rats

Attiq-ur-Rehman , Rifat-uz-Zaman*

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Gastroprotective effect of Phyllanthus niruri leaf extract against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats

Khaled Abdul-Aziz Ahmed, Mahmood Ameen Abdulla*, Fouad Hussain AL-Bayaty and Yaghma Masood

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Synthesis and antimicrobial screening of peptidyl derivatives of bromocoumarins/methylimidazoles

Rajiv Dahiya*, Rita Mourya and Subhash Chand Agrawal

Page: 1 - 12

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Safety research on community pharmacies in Kocaeli

Ozlem Nazan Erdogan*, Safiye Kaya

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of crude and fractionated extracts of Pereskia bleo (Kunth) DC. (Cactaceae)

K. S. Sim, A. M. Sri Nurestri* and A. W. Norhanom

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Efficacy and safety of long-acting risperidone on early onset schizophrenia in adolescent patients

Manli Huang, Liming Ruan, Shaohua Hu, Jianpo Hu and Wei Cai*

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Effects of corn peptides on exercise tolerance, free radical metabolism in liver and serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase activity of mice

Wenqian Yu, Fusheng Miao*, Xiangyan Liu and Fenglin Li, Yaoguang Wang, Meijuan Wang

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Biological activity of progesterone-dihydropyridimidine derivative on perfusion pressure and coronary resistance in isolated rat heart

Guillermo Ceballos-Reyes, Francisco Díaz-Cedillo, Maria López Ramos and G. Maldonado-Velazquez, Figueroa Valverde Lauro*, Abelardo Camacho-Luis

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Evaluation of the antidiarrhoeal effect of Lannea welwitschii Hiern (Anacardiaceae) bark extract

Amole Olufemi Olatokunboh*, Salahdeen Hussein Mofomosara and Onyeahialam Anthony Ekene

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Challenges of DOTS implementation strategy in the treatment of tuberculosis in a tertiary health institution, Ilorin, Nigeria

S. I. Bello

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Plasmid DNA analysis and conjugative study of antibiotic resistant Salmonella typhi and paratyphi to ten selected antibiotics in Zaria, Nigeria

Adeshina Gbonjubola Olusesan*, Okeke Claire-Lorentz Ebere and Ehinmidu Joseph Olorunmola, Osuagwu Nonyelum

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Effect of light irradiation on the antimicrobial activity of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (lam) methanolic extract

Olayemi Modupe Adegbolagun*, Oluwasola Omotayo Olukemi

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of the methanol seed extract of Carica papaya in mice and rats

A. O. Anaga*, E. V. Onehi

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Comparing different sedation medications using generalized estimating equations approach

T. enel, Y. Terzi, N. Murat and N. Sava, M. A. Cengiz*

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology


Cosmeceuticals: A review

Bello Shaibu Oricha

Page: 1 - 3

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Total phenolics and antioxidant activity of Tridax procumbens Linn.

H. Musa and N. Abubakar, A. A. Dzikwi, J. D. Habila*, I. A. Bello

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Research Article

Disease management by vaccination using Escherichia coli antigens

P. Dhasarathan, S. Saravanan and A. Perianayagasamy

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology