International Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health

ISSN 2756-3871

Table of Contents in 2024

Research Article

Seroprevalence of rabies virus antibodies in dogs within FCT, Abuja

Tyohen T. R, Olabode H.O.K., Ameh J.A, Mailafia S., Ramon- Yusuf S.B

Page: 1 - 13

International Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health

Research Article

Assessment of veterinary antibiotic drug management practices in the vicinity of Holeta

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health

Research Article

Evaluation of dairy farmers’ milking practices and knowledge of milk-transmitted zoonotic diseases in Bishoftu, Ethiopia

Lencho Getechew Kebede, Seblewongel Ayichew Megerrsa

Page: 1 - 10

International Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health

Research Article

Wild ruminant parasitology in South African reserves: A telediagnostic perspective

Gianluca Pio Zaffarano, Benedetto Morandi, Alessia Menegotto, Fabio Ostanello, Giovanni Poglayen

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health