Advanced Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

ISSN 2756-3251

Table of Contents in 2013

Research Article

Farmers’ ethno-ecological knowledge of vegetable pests and pesticidal plant use in Malawi and Zambia

Gudeta W. Sileshi*, Phosiso Sola, John F. Kamanula, Greenwell K. C. Nyirenda and Philip C. Stevenson, Brighton M. Mvumi, Stephen P. Nyirenda, Steven R. Belmain

Page: 1 - 13

Advanced Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

Research Article

Land tenure, investment and adoption of Sawah rice production technology in Nigeria and Ghana: A qualitative approach

Kolawole A. and T. Wakatsuki, Oladele O. I.*

Page: 1 - 6

Advanced Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

Research Article

Demand analysis for frozen food in Turkey: Case of Izmir

Zerrin Kenano lu Bekta*, Özlem Karahan Uysal, Cihat Günden and Murat Cankurt, Bülent Miran

Page: 1 - 11

Advanced Journal of Environmental Science and Technology